戴尔英语红宝书 第43期(在线收听

Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor, 

Nancy: Nancy! 

Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是: 

Nancy:She likes reading literary magazines. 


Nancy:Literary magazines are usually collections of poetry, short stories and maybe artwork that come out once a month, or once every two months. 


Nancy:Every high school in America has it’s own, as do universities, these are for students who like to write. High-level literary magazines usually have very famous writers submitting stories. 

Victor: 在美国高中和大学里边都办有这样的月刊,给爱好文学写作的孩子发挥的场所,也会有知名作家供稿哦。 

Nancy:She likes reading literary magazines. 

Victor:She likes reading literary magazines. 

Nancy: That’s all for today. See you! 

Victor: See you!
