2021年经济学人 著名经济学家凯恩斯的情史与婚姻(2)(在线收听

It wasn't all "foxy licks", though.


The piece charts the relationship from infatuation to dependence, around private obstacles (she was already married), across separations (she away on tour, he at summits) and through the national trauma of the second world war (and, in 1941, Woolf's suicide).


Lopokova dreamed "that you and I were soldiers and when the bullet went through me I did not die".


She accompanied Keynes to the Bretton Woods conference and swam naked in a fishpond.


Intimacy and power-broking are interwoven in Ms Dawson's artful arrangement.


Power also ebbs and swirls between the couple, as it can in long marriages.


Keynes was eminent and brilliant; Lopokova spoke what he called "Lydian English", sprinkled with malapropisms.


Yet he needed her, not only to support his work and later his infirmity, but for her creativity and capacity for joy.


"Try to forget shares markets fortunes", she told him in 1937, "because it must crumple the muscles of your heart."


A former ballerina and student at the London School of Economics, Ms Dawson was an ideal person to craft their story.


In clipped upper-crust diction, Mr Menzies impersonated Keynes as halting wooer and weary statesman.


Ms Bonham Carter's Russian accent and comic timing were delicious.


On a bright, blustery evening the courtyard at Charleston, close to its statue-strewn walled garden, was the perfect spot for their funny, moving recital (a one-off, but you can stream it online).


Across the fields lies Tilton, the house that became Keynes's and Lopokova's own country home.


There, after he died in 1946, she lived out the grief that is the last phase of love's cycle.


"Peoples of today do not know how great many things were lovely yesterday," she lamented. "But today is today and yesterday is history."

