《权力的游戏》精讲 第10集:血火同源(20)(在线收听

When you started, you. Never mind. Let me see you out, my dear. It's all right. No need. Yes yes.

你刚开始说的 算了我送你出去吧 亲爱的没事 你坐着吧 好吧

Till the next time. When you imagine yourself up there, how do you look? Does the crown fit? Do all the lords and ladies

下次再见了想想看 你要是坐在上面会是什么样子王冠合适吗 多年以来对你嗤之以鼻的

Simper and bow, the ones who sneered at you for years? It's hard for them to simper and bow without heads. A man with great ambition and no morals.

老爷夫人们会不会虚情假意地向你卑躬屈膝没了脑袋 他们想卑躬屈膝也难野心勃勃 而道德沦丧

I wouldn't bet against you. And what would you do, my friend, if you found yourself sitting up there?

我可不敢与你为敌我的朋友 要是你坐上去了又会怎么做呢

I must be one of the few men in this city who doesn't want to be king.


You must be one of the few men in the city who isn't a man. Oh, you can do better than that.

你一定是城里为数不多的 不算男人的男人积点口德吧
