
A: How have you been doing lately?

B: Actually, I haven’t been sleeping well. I am kind of out of it.

A: Is there some reason why you can’t get enough sleep?

B: I go to bed, but I just can’t get comfortable enough to stay asleep.

A: When do you turn in for the night?

B: I usually try to go to bed around 11:00 or so during the week.

A: Do you have a lot on your mind when you try to go to sleep?

B: My mother is ill with cancer, and I think about her a lot.

A: Do you ever meditate or read before bedtime?

B: I usually watch a lot of television before I go to bed. Maybe I should try something else to help me quiet down.


A: 你最近怎么样?


A: 你为什么睡不饱?


A: 你什么时候睡觉?


A: 你想睡觉的时候脑子里有很多事吗?


A: 你有没有在睡前冥想或读书?

