2021年经济学人 中国的经济--德尔塔风波(2)(在线收听

The port infection is part of an outbreak that was first discovered on July 20th at Nanjing airport.


By August 10th it had spread across a dozen provinces.


Unlike other countries, which are learning to live with Delta, China has imposed a hardcore combination of widespread testing and uncompromising quarantines.


Anyone who tests positive is whisked to hospital, even if they are free of symptoms.


Anyone judged to have come into close contact with them (based on mobile-phone data and other indicators) is quarantined, as are close contacts of these contacts.


By August 10th China had quarantined 50,808 people, more than 20 for every active confirmed case.


The government has discouraged nonessential travel between cities and provinces.


And two of the worst-hit cities, Nanjing and Zhengzhou, have postponed the start of the school year.


According to a gauge of lockdowns devised by Goldman Sachs, a bank, China’s restrictions are now as tight as they were in April 2020.

根据高盛(Goldman Sachs)设计的封锁指标,中国现在的限制措施与2020年4月时一样严格。

Their impact is already showing up in high-frequency data.


The median amount of traffic congestion in the 12 cities most affected by the outbreak has fallen almost 13% below its pre-pandemic norm, according to Ernan Cui of Gavekal Dragonomics, a research firm.

研究公司龙洲经讯(Gavekal Dragonomics)的Ernan Cui表示,受疫情影响最严重的12个城市的交通拥堵中位数比疫情前的正常水平下降了近13%。

And airports were operating at only 38% of their capacity on August 12th, according to Flight Master, an online-travel platform.

根据在线旅行平台Flight Master的数据,8月12日,机场的运力只有38%。

This immobilisation will add to an economic slowdown that was already under way.


Industrial production, retail sales, investment and property sales were all weaker than expected in July, partly because the government is trying to curb steelmaking to preserve the environment, and housing speculation to preserve financial stability.


Ting Lu of Nomura, another bank, expects GDP to be only 0.3% higher this quarter than last.


He has cut his forecast for growth this year from 8.9% to 8.2%, which might warrant further easing from China’s central bank, even as housing curbs remain.

