时差N小时 如何判断宠物需要医药治疗?(上)(在线收听

Have you ever noticed that while it's pretty easy to tell your dog is sick, it's much harder to know how your cat or bird are feeling?


Well, before you start asking your dog why it can't be more stoic like animals half its size, it's probably worth considering each animal's place in the foodchain.


You see, the lower down the food chain you are, the more important it is for you to hide any sign of illness.


Obvious illness or pain function as red flags for predators. You may as well wear a sign saying, “Easy meal, guys. Come and get me.”


Now, even small dogs are genetically programmed to function like predators, which makes sense considering they are close relatives of wolves.


And birds–you can probably figure out why the only way you'd find out your bird is sick is when it dies.

