时差N小时 为什么紧张会容易口干舌燥?(上)(在线收听

Here’s the scene. The audience is waiting with bated breath, you’re just about to give a speech, and suddenly you notice your mouth is dry as sawdust. You haven’t said a word yet! Why did you get cottonmouth before you even began?


Fight or Flight


The dry mouth that, for many people, goes along with public speaking or performance is connected to the “fight or flight” response. When you’re nervous or afraid, the nervous system slows down all the body processes that aren’t necessary for your immediate survival, and amps up the ones that just might save your life-that is, if you’re about to be attacked by a predator like a tiger or a bear.


As the “fight or flight” response kicks in, your heart rate goes up and more blood goes to your heart and major muscle groups, so you can make a quick getaway, or grab a big stick.

