2021年经济学人 新兴市场:压力来袭(2)(在线收听

That, in turn, has placed pressure on governments to extend or even increase spending on relief programmes.


Economic growth is boosting tax revenues in many countries, improving the public finances that were battered by covid-19.


Still, fiscal deficits remain large.


A decision in June to expand grain handouts means that India’s central government is likely to borrow more than 6.8% of GDP expected in the budget for the 2022 fiscal year.

今年6月,印度政府决定扩大粮食发放,这意味着印度中央政府的举债规模可能会超过2022财年预算中预计占GDP 6.8%的水平。

Brazil, which borrowed an eye-watering 13.4% of GDP last year, has extended its emergency cash transfers.

巴西去年借了占GDP 13.4%的巨额贷款,今年也已经扩大了紧急现金转移支付。

Chile and Colombia, which limited their borrowing to a modest 7% of GDP in 2020 last year, are planning to borrow about as much or more this year, according to the Institute of International Finance, a bankers’ group.


When you combine more money flowing through the economy with supply disruptions, though, the result is inflationary pressure.


Emerging-market central bankers, like their rich-world counterparts, argue that high inflation is merely temporary.


But, unlike their advanced-economy peers, some have not felt comfortable enough to wait and see.


They have more recent experience of bouts of high inflation, and doubt that public expectations of low inflation are as firmly anchored as in rich countries.


They have thus moved forcefully to rein in inflation.


Brazil’s central bank raised interest rates by a full percentage point on August 4th, on top of three increases of 0.75 percentage points each since March.


The Central Bank of Russia also announced a full-point rise on July 23rd, also its fourth of the year.


Mexico and Peru raised interest rates on August 12th.


Other central banks that have held fire are expected to tighten in coming months.


This determination to curb inflation may have kept foreign investors interested.


Early this year some economists worried that a roaring recovery in America and the prospect of higher interest rates there could lead to a rush of money out of emerging economies:


an echo of the “taper tantrum” of 2013, when the Federal Reserve began normalising monetary policy after the financial crisis.

