英语新闻听写 大多数人利用YouTube学东西(在线收听

Digital Trends reports that while cat videos and music content are still wildly popular on YouTube, a recent study has revealed that the vast majority of YouTube users seek out how-to videos on the site, among other content.

据“Digital Trends”报道,虽然猫咪视频和音乐内容在YouTube上仍然非常受欢迎,但是最近的一项研究显示,除了其他的内容外,绝大多数的YouTube用户都在该网站上寻找教程视频。

Pew Research surveyed 4,600 American adults in May and June 2018 and published the results this week.


Among its wide-ranging findings, Pew discovered that 87 percent of YouTube users find the streaming site useful for getting information on how to do things.

