2021年经济学人 新加坡大学关闭,学生奋起反抗(2)(在线收听

Another reason to close the college was its "financial unsustainability", says Ms Chan.


Yale-NUS had hoped eventually to secure as much private funding as do toptier American liberal-arts colleges, but by March had raised just a measly $320m.


Concern about the financial model "started the conversation" about what to do with the college, says Ms Chan.


But Pericles Lewis, the first president of Yale-NUS, who also sits on the board, notes that it had "a few years left" to achieve its fundraising targets, and could have doubled the number of students it admits.


Some professors and students suspect there were other considerations at play.


Political activism is frowned upon in Singapore, which has been ruled by the same party since 1959.


Yale-NUS students were more likely to express their political views and were better organised than their peers at other universities, says Cherian George, the author of a recent report on academic freedom in Singapore.


Ms Chan poohpoohs the notion that the government was keen to muzzle mouthy students. The government, she says, knew what it was signing up for when it launched the college.


At the opening of the new campus in 2015 Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore's prime minister, said that the college would have "to adapt the Yale model to Asia".


Four years later the college appeared to do just that when it cancelled a course on dissent taught by a prominent playwright because, it said, it was not sufficiently rigorous.


Responding to allegations that the college had caved to political pressure, Mr Lewis conducted an investigation which yielded no evidence of government coercion.


Yet Ong Ye Kung, then the education minister, supported cancelling the course, declaring in Parliament that "political conscientisation"—when people become aware of how they are oppressed—"is not the taxpayer's idea of what education means".


News of the closure came as a shock to students and teachers, who were not consulted.


Neither was the college president, Tan Tai Yong, who was reportedly "gobsmacked and flabbergasted" when informed in July.


During the virtual town hall, microphones were muted; students had to send questions via a mediator.


At the end of the meeting, students could be heard shouting with frustration, according to the college newspaper.


All they are likely to get in return for their"conscientisation" on this issue is silence.

