2021年经济学人 自动驾驶汽车(2)(在线收听

Similar techniques are used to train self-driving cars to operate in traffic.


Cars thus learn how to obey lane markings, avoid other vehicles, hit the brakes at a red light and so on.


But they do not understand many things a human driver takes for granted—that other cars on the road have engines and four wheels, or that they obey traffic regulations (usually) and the laws of physics (always).


And they do not understand object permanence.


In a recent paper in Artificial Intelligence, Mehul Bhatt of Orebro University, in Sweden, who is also the founder of a firm called CoDesign Lab which is developing his ideas commercially, describes a different approach.

近期,瑞典厄勒布鲁大学的梅于尔·巴特在《人工智能》杂志上发表了一篇论文,描述了一种独特的方法。梅于尔·巴特也是一家名为CoDesign Lab的公司的创始人,该公司正着手将他的想法商业化。

He and his colleagues took some existing AI programs which are used by self-driving cars and bolted onto them a piece of software called a symbolic-reasoning engine.


Instead of approaching the world probabilistically, as machine learning does, this software was programmed to apply basic physical concepts to the output of the programs that process signals from an autonomous vehicle's sensors.


This modified output was then fed to the software which drives the vehicle.


The concepts involved included the ideas that discrete objects continue to exist over time, that they have spatial relationships with one another— such as "in-front-of" and "behind"—and that they can be fully or partly visible, or completely hidden by another object.


And it worked. In tests, if one car momentarily blocked the sight of another, the reasoning-enhanced software could keep track of the blocked car, predict where and when it would reappear, and take steps to avoid it if necessary.


The improvement was not huge. On standard tests Dr Bhatt's system scored about 5% better than existing software.


But it proved the principle. And it also yielded something else.


For, unlike a machine-learning algorithm, a reasoning engine can tell you the reason why it did what it did.

