2021年经济学人 气候变化会否触发金融危机?(2)(在线收听

The second channel is financial firms’ exposure to the hazards of rising temperatures.


Attributing individual natural disasters to climate change is tricky, but the Financial Stability Board, a group of regulators,

将单个自然灾害归咎于气候变化有点强人所难,但由监管机构组成的金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board)估计,

estimates that global economic losses resulting from weather-related catastrophes went from $214bn in the 1980s, in 2019 prices, to $1.62trn in the 2010s, roughly trebling as a share of global GDP.


These losses are often borne by insurers (though over time the costs should be passed on to customers through higher premiums).


The financial system could also be exposed to any wider economic damage caused by climate change, say if it triggered swings in asset prices.


This third channel is harder to quantify.


Academic estimates of the effect of 3°C of warming (relative to pre-industrial temperatures) veer from financial losses of around 2% to 25% of world GDP, according to the Network for Greening the Financial System, a group of supervisors.

根据监管机构绿色金融系统网络(Network For Green The Financial System)的数据,学术上对全球变暖3摄氏度(相对于工业化前的温度)所带来的经济损失的估计,约占世界GDP的2%到25%不等。

Even the gloomiest estimate might prove too rosy if climate change triggers conflicts or mass migrations.


Perhaps the worst-case scenario for the financial system is where transition risks crystallise very suddenly and cause wider economic damage.


In 2015 Mr Carney described a possible “Minsky moment”, named after Hyman Minsky, an economist, in which investors’ expectations about future climate policies adjust sharply, causing fire sales of assets and a widespread repricing of risk.

2015年,卡尼描述了一个可能的“明斯基时刻”(以经济学家海曼·明斯基(Hyman Minsky)的名字命名),即投资者对未来气候政策的预期大幅调整,导致资产贱卖和大范围的风险重新定价。

That could spill over into higher borrowing costs.

