2021年经济学人 美国版块--是袭击还是反恐(2)(在线收听

Despite Mr Obama’s insistence that drones could precisely target America’s enemies, the rising volume of strikes ensured civilian casualties rose also.


With up to 560 civilian deaths in Pakistan alone from 2009 to 2011, the UN and civil society called for reform.


Guidance issued by the White House in 2013 attempted to place limits on the lethality of the drone campaign beyond Afghanistan and Iraq.


The document pledged strikes would not occur without a “near certainty” that non-terrorists would not be killed.


It helped stem the worst excesses: by 2016, strikes caused fewer than ten civilian deaths in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen combined.


On the battlefield in Afghanistan, Iraq and, after 2014, Syria, military lawyers counselled commanders on targeting decisions—above a certain threshold for predicted civilian casualties, a strike would require permission from higher authorities.


Mr Obama expressed hope that this “legal architecture” could ensure “any president’s reined in.”


President Donald Trump easily discarded Mr Obama’s rules in his first year in office, giving commanders greater flexibility in choosing their targets.


The tempo of operations rose, and their reach expanded to new places like Niger.


Nowhere was this escalation more dramatic than in Afghanistan, where as many as 130 civilians perished in strikes in 2017. Even so, their effectiveness is open to debate.


In the two decades since 2001, estimates the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, the number of Sunni Islamic militants grew fourfold, though thankfully they have not pulled-off a devastating attack on American soil.


“The assumption that there was no substitutability was wrong,” says Sarah Kreps of Cornell University, with new terrorist leaders replacing the dead.


Mr Biden has sought to rein in the excesses of his predecessor and return to a more restrained policy.


While his administration prepares new guidance, Mr Biden has required the Pentagon and CIA to seek White House approval for strikes outside Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.


But Mr Biden has no intention of ending their use. He boasts that even without a presence in Afghanistan, his administration will continue to strike terrorist organisations in Afghanistan from the safety of America’s ships at sea and bases in the Middle East.


Such a strategy may not prove effective, or humane. As General Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie, America’s top military official in the Middle East and Central Asia, admitted to Congress in testimony on September 28th, long-distance drone attacks necessarily rely on weaker intelligence without nearby bases and local partner forces.


More mistakes, like the August 29th strike in Kabul, are thus likely even after the Pentagon completes its investigation.


Ms Kreps is not sure Americans will give drones much mind. “After the dust settles, we will still be using them.”

