蓝宝石案 23追踪大鹅的来历(3)(在线收听

We passed across Holborn, down Endell Street, and so through a zigzag of slums to Covent Garden Market.


One of the largest stalls bore the name of Breckinridge upon it,


and the proprietor, a horsy-looking man, with a sharp face and trim side-whiskers, was helping a boy to put up the shutters.


"Good-evening. It's a cold night," said Holmes.


The salesman nodded and shot a questioning glance at my companion.


"Sold out of geese, I see," continued Holmes, pointing at the bare slabs of marble.


"Let you have five hundred to-morrow morning." "That's no good."

"明天早晨,我可以卖给你五百只鹅。" "那没有用。"

"Well, there are some on the stall with the gas-flare."


"Ah, but I was recommended to you." "Who by?"


"The landlord of the Alpha." "Oh, yes; I sent him a couple of dozen."


"Fine birds they were, too. Now where did you get them from?"


To my surprise the question provoked a burst of anger from the salesman.

