Artist:Tamas Wells Song:Lichen and Bees
Lichen, the bees and a fortress of weeds in a small town venture Only the stale and a quart of an ale and a cold intention Over the lawn and the rail And only to gather the mail He likened to me but I wondered if he were to see
Liken the bees and the matters that please to a small back bencher Caught with the maid with her hair in a braid not the one he mentioned Over the lawn and the rail And only to gather the mail He likened to me but I wondered if he were to see
Lichen and bees in the walls and the fevers of small town ventures Sparrows and freight at a quarter to eight and a man who mentioned Over the lawn and the rail And only to gather the mail He likened to me but I wonder if he were to see
空气泯锐,阳光有着好看弧度的一天。 忽然迫不及待,想要行走。 毅然踏往乡间,追寻印证他口中所述的墨绿地衣, 群舞蜜蜂,以及某些在杂草堆里发霉的信念。 独自行走,只需一瓶陈旧淡净的啤酒和一个静谧的心态。 不期待,不奢望。
行走,本身已承载着某些寓意, 或是光华流转的旅途,或是穿越世俗的旅途, 又或是静默隐忍的精神寻求旅途。
乡间小道,白色栅栏,悠绿草坪, 只见邮差无心贪恋风景,女佣忙于修剪花朵。 地衣,蜜蜂交错附在陈墙上相互嬉戏,如此欢娱。
夕阳西下,麻雀吱喳,货车远远离去,拖着长而满载的影子。 夜末,没有寻到他口中的种种。 收拾心绪,嘴角上扬。 一次旅途,收获其他, 只是,他可知否?