《关键投票》精讲 07政客演讲振奋人心(在线收听

OK! Ohio run the gay marriage ad every twenty minutes.

俄亥俄州 每隔二十分钟播同性恋婚姻广告

Let's see if we can't get those God fearing bastards off the fence.

看看能否让那些 虔诚的中立派改变主意

We take a bunch of scientists, put them in the desert somewhere.

我们不如抓一些科学家 把他们丢在沙漠之类的地方

Like the Manhattan project. Are you listening to me? I'm serious about this.

就像曼哈顿计划一样 你在听我说话吗? 我是认真的

I think that cancer is going to be a tough nut to crack in one term, sir.

我认为在癌症的问题上 无法一蹴而就 先生

So, we make it a ten year plan.


Lincoln got to see the end of slavery? - No.

林肯看到奴隶制的终结了吗? 没有

Did Kennedy get to see the moon shot? - Nope.

肯尼迪看到登月壮举了吗? 没有

No! But they got the credit! It's the idea that counts.

都没有 但是他们却流芳千古 那是因为他们有目标

The guy that sets the goal gets in the history books!


Hope and positivity! Marty, the American people want a bright...

希望和积极 告诉你 马提 美国人民需要一张灿烂的笑脸

shining smile to represent the promise of this country.


Take old Georgie there.

没错 看看那儿的老乔治

Boy, he was off the charts.

兄弟 他真是了不起

They wanted to make him King.


Son of a gun!

守枪奴! (俚语: 对好友表示惊讶,打招呼)

Thank you, thank you for coming.

谢谢 感谢前来

Galena and I would like to thank America...


for this glorious opportunity.


I have met people of every race, color and creed...


during this long campaign.

我见到了不同种族 肤色 信仰的人们

I pledge to you that my White House will be a rainbow house.

我向你们保证 我领导的白宫将会是一座彩虹之家

It'll be open to people of all colors and creeds.


It'll be open to people of all colors and creeds.


Now, please, go and vote. We need your support.

现在请去投票吧 我们需要你们的支持

That was great. I'm gonna go do press.

很好 我要去应付媒体了



Greenleaf! Greenleaf!

格林利夫 格林利夫
