音乐咖啡厅:Fast Food Song拜年啦拜年啦(在线收听



Fast Food Song

Can I take your order please?

Let's eat to the beat

A pizza hut a pizza hut
Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
A pizza hut a pizza hut
Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
McDonalds McDonalds
Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut
McDonalds McDonalds
Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut

You like it you love it
You know you really want it
The voices I hear
Whenever you're around

I want it I need it
Nothing else can beat it
Hot and spicy
Whenever I'm in town (mm mm)

Enticing exciting
Aroma so inviting
And when it hits
Me, I wanna take you home

Trust me you must see
Just what you're doing to me
Driving me crazy
Hungry to the bone

I think of you and lick my lips
You've got the taste I can't resist
Can't resist - can't resist
Let's eat to the beat

(Repeat Chorus)

Would you like that to go?

Any sauces?

You're so sweet and you're neat
You knock me off my two feet
You're chunky and hunky
I'm coming back for more (Hot Dog)

Your taste all embraces
I gotta sing your praises
Just savour the flavours
Waiting at your door

I think of you and lick my lips
You've got the taste I can't resist
Can't resist - can't resist
Let's eat to the beat

(Repeat Chorus)

Does anyone fancy a shake?
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Shake it to the left - Shake it to the right - Let's shake
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

I think of you and lick my lips
You've got the taste I can't resist
Can't resist - can't resist
Let's eat to the beat




  从欧美、日本到大陆,全球各地传唱的“Mai-A-Hi 唛阿喜”旋律塑造了社会话题,各国语言意外在这首歌曲中跟大家陌生的罗马尼亚文完美“结合”,每个地区以自己的搞笑方式传唱。这张专辑以快乐带动唱的概念,除了章孬玩“唛阿喜”之外,还有疯狂起笑蛙“叮叮” (Axel F)、大人小孩最爱“速食餐” (Fast Food Song)、充满逗趣野性的“带动唱” (I Like To Move It),还有啦啦队欢乐经典“米奇” (Mickey) 与“功夫舞” (Kung Fu Fighting) 等。

  随片加赠“唛阿喜”搞笑完整版 MV 让你直接用中文唱出罗马尼亚原文歌曲,还有时尚版等等 Bonus CD Extra,大家一起来 Moving Moving!

⊙Mai-A-Hi 唛阿喜成名史

  从欧洲到美洲、日本到大陆,全球各地传唱的“Mai-A-Hi 唛阿喜”旋律可不是各国翻译歌曲,而是不可思议地直接唱罗马尼亚文;全球同一个时间在网路跟卡拉 OK 里,从东半球到西半球都有人传唱的结果,影响力在美国与日本形成了有趣的社会文化现象,各国语言意外在这首歌曲中跟大家陌生的罗马尼亚文完美“结合”,每个地区以自己的搞笑方式传唱,也让这轻快活泼的“Mai-A-Hi 唛阿喜”成了名符其实“日不落”的流行新旋律,一路引爆流行现象。

  2004 年初这首轻松旋律的女生版在义大利缔造七周冠军的声势,让这首歌迅速在欧洲各国金榜疯狂走红,接着由一个美国网友盖瑞传给朋友“酷索”KUSO 搞笑自拍对嘴演唱版,在笑翻了众好友之后无意间被转寄出来大家一起笑开了之后,马上就吸引了一群“Mai-A-Hi”迷搞笑自拍回应,不仅盖瑞成了家喻户晓的大红人、敢秀爱玩的网友跳得不亦乐乎,连大家熟悉的政治人物、西洋天后、电视动画主人翁和积木人偶都被安排“参一脚”露脸搞笑。

  2005 年日本利用网路的简单猫咪动画造成人气话题,其中设计成饮酒情境的桥段让这个旋律成了现在全日本喝酒同欢的欢乐旋律;别怀疑!唱的还是罗马尼亚文哩!台湾章鱼兄“章孬玩”的无厘头动画演出一样笑翻一堆人,还可以让大家可以在最短时间内利用中文轻松唱。台湾版“Mai-A-Hi 唛阿喜”在网友们转寄下知名度迅速传开,现已有厂商找上门询问相关周边商品的露脸价码哩!

  从欧洲美国到日本,从网路发烧、迪士尼电影预告热门歌曲,现在连大陆花儿乐团都从中引用副歌唱到不亦乐乎;这首你不能不知道的热门旋律“Mai-A-Hi 唛阿喜”,准备好手舞足蹈一起迎接了吗?


01 Mai-A-Hi (Dragostea Din Tei) 唛阿喜 - Haiducii 章孬玩
02 Axel F 叮叮 - Mad Frog 疯狂起笑蛙
03 Mickey (Jason Nevins Remix Edit) 米奇 - Toni Basil 汤尼贝索
04 Ilarie 摆动 - Buttons 钮扣合唱团
05 Fast Food Song 速食餐 - Fast Food Rockers 速食摇滚客
06 The Woah Song 喔喔喔 - DJ DAZ DJ 大支
07 Sweat!Everybody Dance Now! (Hollywood Hot Mix) 大家一起跳舞 - Freedom Williams Of C+C Music Factory VS. RMD C+C 音乐工厂之自由威廉
08 I Like To Move It 带动唱 - Zoo Gang 动物帮
09 Kung Fu Fighting 功夫舞 - Bus Stop 巴士站合唱团
10 Pump Up The Jam 活力四射 - D.O.N.S. feat. Technotronic 科技合唱团

