《冰河世纪2》精讲 18我被树懒绑架了(在线收听

Crash, I told you not to drink before bed.


I didn't do this. At least, not all of it.

不是我 至少有些不是我尿的

What's happening? We overslept. We need to move.

怎么了? 睡过头 该走了

What if we're the last creatures left alive?


We'll have to repopulate the Earth.


How? Everyone's either a dude or our sister.

行不通 都是男的和一个姊姊

Hi. Hey, Manny.


Wow. What a night. You'll never guess what happened.

昨晚多精彩 你永远猜不到

You were sleepwalking.

我乱猜一下 你梦游?

No, no, no. I was kidnapped by a tribe of mini sloths.

不 我被一群迷你树懒绑架

That was gonna be my second guess. And they worshiped me.

我正想这样猜说 他们把我当神膜拜

I mean, sure, they tossed me into a flaming tar pit, but they worshiped me.

虽然后来把我抛进着火的柏油坑 但他们的确膜拜过我

You were dreaming. Come on, the water's rising faster than we're moving.

你在做梦!快 水在上升

I'm telling you, I was kidnapped. I was worshiped. Guys.

我跟你们说 我被绑架… 被膜拜 然后他们…喂!

