《马达加斯加》精讲 23他是危险的吃肉动物(在线收听

Excuse me, you're biting my butt!

对不起 你在咬我的屁股

No, I'm not. Yes, you are.

不 我没有 是的 你咬了

Alex, what did you do? He bit me on the butt!

亚里克斯 你做了什么 他咬了我的屁股

No. I didn't. Did I? You kind of did.

不 我没咬 我有咬吗 好像有的

You just bit me on the butt! What a hack is wrong with you?

好像是有的 你发什么神经病啊?

Why did you bite me? Man, that's because you are his dinner?

你咬我干什么 伙计 因为你是他的晚餐

What? Excuse me?

什么? 你说什么?

That's dumb. Dumb, dumb, Maurice.

他在胡说八道 莫里斯

What is the simple bite on the buttocks among friends?


The party is over, Julian.

派对结束了 朱利安

Your brilliant plan has failed. What are you talking about?

你的伟大计划完蛋了 你在说什么

Your friend here is what we call


a deluxe model hunting and eating machine.


And he eats stake. Which is you. Get out of here.

他是吃肉的 也就是吃你 滚蛋

Okey okey, Maurice. I admit it, the plan failed.

好了 莫里斯 我承认 我的计划失败了

All is lost! We're all doomed.

全完了 我们注定要完蛋了

The Foosas will come back and goblbe us with their mouths!

那些伏狼又会回来 把我们吃掉

Because we are all stakes. I'm stake! Me, me!

因为我们都是肉类 我也是肉类 我是

Mr. Alex cannot stay here. He belongs with his own kind.

亚里克斯不能再留在这 他得去岛的另外那边

On the Foosa side of the island. By the power invested in me,

和伏狼在一起 我以神赋予我的权力

by the law of the jungle, bla, bla, bla, bla.


Be gone! What? Come on.

马上离开 什么? 别乱说

Do I look like a stake to you? Yeah.

你看着像块肉排吗? 对

See, I told you I don't look like

看到了吗? 我就说我不会像

Wait, wait, what did you say? Oh, yeah!

等等 你说什么? 非常像

He's going savage. Run for your lives!

他开始变得凶残了 快去逃命

Marty, run!

马蒂 快逃
