《马达加斯加2》精讲 03是时候交往了(在线收听

That was weird. Hey, somebody is dreaming ha?

真奇怪 嘿 有人在做梦了 啊?

I think I just saw Mort on the wing of the plane.

我好像刚刚在飞机的机翼上 看到默特了

You got Madagascar on the brain.


... it was quite a, it was incredible, wasn't it?

是啊 太美妙了

I think we will see much more fun the further way we get from.

我觉得我们走越远 越能回想到更多的乐趣

Yeah, like when you beat me on the butt?

回想什么 你咬我的屁股吗

I am gonna take that, that thing you are holding on to...

我要把这个 你一直说的这件事

...and I am going to use it, on stage.


So all part of my little actor's salad bar of emotional tidbits.

全都变成 像我的演员沙拉吧一样的 就像活动小报 其中之一

Are the butts next to the crutons at the salad bar?

所有的屁股小吃 都在沙拉吧的油面包旁边吗

You don't need to be sarcastic Marty. Hey guys, you know, I was thinking.

你没必要讽刺啊 马蒂 嘿 大家 我正在想

When we get back, I might sign up for the breeding program.

我们回去的时候 我没准可以报名参加那个繁殖计划

Breeding program? I think we all reach a point on our lives...

繁殖计划? 我觉得我们都到了一把年纪了

when we wanna meet somebody, you know settle down, have a relationship.

我们应该遇到某个人 安定下来 交往交往

I see that. What?

什么 你是说

Like, like dating? Yeah, dating!

像是 约会吗 是啊 约会!

Other, other... Other guys?

其他的 其他的 男生?

What do you mean "other guys"?

你是什么意思 其他的男生?

Darn it!


I'm gonna, what is holding up that beverage service.

我要去看看 饮料怎么来的这么慢

I'm gonna go and check.

