《马达加斯加2》精讲 06你是只坏猫(在线收听

Yeah,that's right.


You will remain in charge. You and your little happy friends can stay out of our hair.


Because I decided to. Good for you.

因为是我决定这么做的! 不错 不错

Yeah, well guess what this discussion isn't over.

哦 是吗 你知道吗 这个谈话还没结束

Higher mammals, you stay with us.

嘿 动物们 你们可以跟我们在一起

We could use your front cortexes and apposable thumbs.

我们可以用一下你们的头皮 和可吸吮的拇指

Feel crushed wash your hands out with soap.

菲尔 我该让你用肥皂洗一洗手的

How, in the.. Hello! are they gonna fix this plane?

怎么会 喂! 他们到底会不会修这个飞机啊

You know, grit 'n spit and spit, once spit and griten.

你知道吗 补破皮褥子不如不补破皮褥子

Stick to it at mist. They don't sound too promising.

我们就等吧 听起来没啥希望

You're right. Right, we are stuck here.

你是对的 是对的 我们被困在这里了

Hey guys, as long as we're together we'll be OK.

嘿 大家 只要我们在一起 我们就没事的

Yeah, yeah but love ain't gonna get us home.

是啊 是啊 但这不能送我们回家啊

Behold, the lion!


Hey, it's people. OK. There is much to see, moving on.

哇 人类! 好啦 还有很多要看的 赶快走吧

People. Wait, wait.

人! 人们! 等等!

Wait people.

人们! 停下

Help us!


Hi! Wait!

喂 等等

Hey wait, if you stop we'll autograph those.

如果你们停下 我可以帮你们签名啊

I know you.


You. It's that bad kitty.

你 是那只坏猫咪
