《马达加斯加2》精讲 07美人痣(在线收听

What is going on here, what is all this have about?

发生什么事了 大家这是在干什么

They say they are from off the reserve.

他们说 他们是从保护区之外的地方来的

That's impossible. Only people come from off the reserve.

这是不可能的 只有人类会从保护区外进来

You look familiar, do I know you from...

你看起来很面熟 我们见过吗

How could you possibly survived the hunters.


Hunters, we didn't see any hunters. What are you looking at?

猎人? 我们倒是没见过什么猎人 你在看什么?

Me? Nothing.

我吗? 什么也没看

This watering hole doesn't need any more mouths to feed.


So just get out of back to wherever you came from.

所以就回去你原来的地方 好吗

OK. Was there a maybe like a manager we can talk to?

好吧 有没有什么经理可以出来说说话的

Oh, I see. You're here to challenge me.

哦 我知道了 你是来跟我挑战的!

What? No! No, no.

啊 什么? 不是 不是

What else would start you look on to me? Hold on

我看起来就像是这么回事! 等等

Zuba, wait.

祖巴 等等

Don't call woman, don't you see I am trying...

唉 女人 你看不出来我在干什么吗

Yeah, yeah... Zuba. Hold on.

你不能就 嗯 嗯 祖巴 等等

is that you? No, it's Alex.

是你吗 不 我叫艾力克斯

"X", like New York Knicks.

克斯 就像纽约尼克斯篮球队一样?

Zuba, look.

祖巴 看看

Oh, I have always had that, have had checked it out, it's really...

我一直都有这个 你看吧

it's kind of a beauty spot, really.

嗯 其实有点像美人痣一样 真的



Alright, this is a little weird.

好吧 有点怪怪的

Honey, he has come home.

亲爱的 他回家了



You've come home.

