《马达加斯加2》精讲 09一方霸主(在线收听

It's raining men, hallelujah. You are gotto going all.

天上掉男人呀 哈里路亚 唉 真的想回家

How come you don't have a man in your life.


You got worms?


Listen girls

我都弄掉了啦 听着 女孩们

Manhattan isshort ontwo things: parking and hippos.

曼哈顿有两种东西短缺: 停车位 和 河马

Hey everybody!I just found out that my son is a king.

嘿 大家 我才知道 我的儿子也是一方霸主

The king of New York.


Show me some of your moves son. Come on. Don't be bashful. Alright.

来 给我看看你的动作 别害羞

Ooh, this one always knocks them dead.

哦 这个通常会让人拍手叫好

The king is mad, the king is mad.

大王发怒了 大王发怒了!

Now, let's all welcome him back into the pride above the arms.

现在 让我们一起欢迎他 回到我们的部落吧 张开双臂!

Welcome to the herd Marty.

欢迎你来到我们的群呀 马蒂

Me, in a herd?I've always wanted to be a part of a herd.

我? 群? 我一直都想加入某个群呢!

It's one for all, and all for all.

有一个是大家的 就都是大家的 呦!

How do I look? Technicly...

我看起来怎么样? 理论上说

a traditional witch doctor has a bone to his nose.

一个传统的巫医 通常都有根骨头穿过鼻子

Don't worry, it has just a clip on it.

别担心 只是个夹上去的而已

Voila, he's a witch doctor.

呵呵 他是个巫医了!

My mother would be so happy.

