英国新闻听力 虚假报道致推特股价飙升(在线收听

Iranians have taken to the streets of Tehran to celebrate a landmark nuclear deal with world powers which should lead to the lifting of crippling economic sanctions. In return, strict limits will be imposed on Iran’s nuclear activities. The country’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised the hard work of Iranian negotiators. President Hassan Rouhani said that the agreement proved that constructive engagement worked. Both Iran and the United States say the deal is a historical opportunity. Bethany Bell reports.

The deal which has aimed at pushing an end to the roar of Iran’s nuclear programme represents the biggest step towards easing hostility between Iran and the West since the Iranian Revolution in 1979. Iran has agreed to scale back its sensitive nuclear activities. It will reduce its capacity to enrich uranium, and has signed up to intensive inspections by UN inspectors.

President Obama said the deal ensured that Iran would not be able to produce nuclear weapons. The agreement has been strongly criticized by President Obama’s Republican rivals in the US. Congress has 60 days to approve the accord. It could stop it hereby refusing to lift sanctions. The Republican Congressman Mike Turner says Mr. Obama will struggle to get the deal approved. I think he will find he has very minimal support in Congress. If he has to go to the issue of vetoing it, and then looking to whether or not there is two-thirds of objection,it’s gonna be very very close. Certainly there are a very strong majority of Congress whose seats threw what the President’s dice that this is not good for the US national security. It’s surely not good for Middle East. It can result in an arms race there, and I surely doubt it’s for our allies.

Iran’s Middle Eastern neighbors have greeted the deal with a mixture of anger and caution. Saudi Arabia said it hoped to build better relations with Tehran. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denounced it as the stunning mistake.

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says he takes responsibility for a tough bailout deal with the euro zone despite not believing in the draconian reforms it demands. Mark Lowen reports from the capital, Athens.

After the bruising bailout talks, the Greek government will face its first test in parliament and on the streets. Legislation must be passed by Wednesday night including VAT and pension reforms. Alexis Tsipras told Greek TV he signed a deal he didn’t believe in but which would avoid disaster. Candid for sure, but that won’t stop a sizable rebellion within his own party with perhaps dozens of his MPs set to vote against the measures. They’re though likely to pass because of opposition’s support. Meanwhile, protests and a 24-hour strike have been called in the public sector.

The European Commission says an EU-wide fund can be used to offer immediate short-term financial support to Greece. Officials say the Commission will propose the move to member states.

World News from the BBC.

An American financing arm of Honda has agreed to pay 24 million dollars in compensation to customers after it was accused of discriminating against ethnic minority car buyers. The US Justice Department said since 2011 Honda had allowed car dealers to charge higher interest rates on loans requested by African-American, Hispanic and other minority borrowers. In a statement Honda said it was strongly opposed to discrimination.

NASA scientists are eagerly waiting to know if a 9-year flyby space machine to the dwarf planet Pluto has been a success. In the coming hours, scientists hope to see detailed pictures and data of Pluto’s tiny icy world in the outer reaches of the solar system beamed back to earth. The New Horizons spacecraft will speed past at 50,000 kilometers an hour after a journey of 5 billion kilometers across the solar system. A first image sent on Tuesday showed craters, possibly mountains and nitrogen snow on Pluto’s surface.

Shares in Twitter briefly soared by more than 8% in value after a fake report referred to a multi-billion dollar takeover of the social network. The report appeared on what pretended to be a web page of the financial news agency Bloomberg. Daniela Relph reports.

The fake news report appeared on a web page that mimicked the style and layout of Bloomberg. It claimed that Twitter was working closely with bankers after receiving a takeover offer of 20 billion pounds. It’s not yet clear who was behind the fake story. The website that carried the false report was registered last Friday in Panama. But records don’t show the identity of its owner.

Dozens of songs praising one of the Mexico’s most powerful drug lords Joaquin Guzman who escaped from jail on Saturday have begun appearing on the internet. They are written and performed by bands who sing Narco-corridos, songs that commemorate and often praise the feats of the country’s powerful drug cartels.

伊朗人走向德黑兰街头,庆祝与西方大国达成具有里程碑意义的核协议。该协议将使造成严重后果的经济制裁得以取消。作为交换条件,伊朗的核活动将受到严格限制。伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)赞誉了伊朗谈判代表的努力工作。总统哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)表示,该协议证明建设性接触是奏效的。伊朗和美国都表示,该协议是一个历史性的机会。Bethany Bell报道。


奥巴马总统表示,该协议确保伊朗将不能建造核武器。该协议受到奥巴马在美国共和党对手的严厉批评。国会有60天的时间来决定是否通过该协议。他们可能制止该协议从而拒绝取消制裁措施。共和党国会议员麦克·特纳(Mike Turner)表示,奥巴马总统要使该协议通过将非常困难。奥巴马会发现他在国会的支持非常少。如果他想看一下有多少人行使否决权的话,他或许会发现有多达三分之二的人反对。非常非常接近。当然,也会有绝大多数国会议员会投奥巴马总统所好,认为这对美国国土安全不利。当然也不利于中东地区。会导致该地区出现武器竞赛,我绝对怀疑这是否有利于我们的盟国。


希腊总理齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)表示,他为与欧元区国家达成的艰难的拯救协议负责,尽管他不相信欧元区要求的严厉改革。Mark Lowen在希腊首都雅典报道。

经过激烈的救助谈判,希腊政府将在议会和民众中面临首次考验。周六晚上之前必须通过立法,包括增值税和养老金改革。齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)告诉希腊电视台,他签署了自己并不相信的一份协议,但是该协议可以避免灾难。但是坦白地说,这并不能阻止他在自己的党派内面临强烈反对,或许会有数十名议员投票反对这些措施。然而,由于反对者的支持,这些措施最终有可能通过。与此同时,公共服务部门呼吁举行抗议活动和24小时的罢工。





一篇虚假的报道称社交网站推特以数百亿美元价格被收购,该公司股价短时间内上涨了超过8%。该报道出现在伪装为财经新闻社彭博新闻社的网页上。Daniela Relph报道。


数十首歌曲开始出现在互联网上,赞誉周六越狱的墨西哥最有权势的毒品教父乔奎因·古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)。这些歌曲由唱Narco-corridos的乐队创作。这些歌曲用来纪念并赞扬墨西哥有权势的毒品卡特尔。
