英国新闻听力 意大利总理宣布辞职(在线收听

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced his resignation and called for fresh elections in the live televised address, he said his government had fought hard to secure a new international bailout for Greece, and it was now time for the nation to pass judgment on the deal. “ You, with your vote, will decide if this agreement we achieved is enough for the dead-end we have reached to be overcome, for the economy to rebound and for us to finally extricate ourselves from bailouts and austerity.” Mr. Tsipras has faced strong opposition within his left wing Syriza Party after agreeing to introduce tough austerity measures in exchange for ninety-five billion dollar package. But Y.P. from the Greek newspaper P. says he’s still quite popular. “People still give him the benefit to the thousand of the course. They haven’t yet felt the sting of the new measures that the government has been made to pass in order to get acceptance of the third bailout.”

The France far-right National Front Party has expelled its founder Jean-Marie Le Pen. His expulsion is the combination of an increasingly bitter a family feud involving Mr. Le Pen and his daughter Marie who became the party leader 4 years ago. A.H. has more.

When Marie Le Pen took over as leader in 2011, she set out to broaden the party’s appeal and move it to the political mainstream. That meant distancing herself from her father and his reputation for racist and anti-Semitic outburst. In April, he repeated comments that had shocked France in 1987, describing the gas chambers as a mere detail of history. He also recently said France should get along with Russia to save the white world. This was the final straw for Marie Le Pen who said he was hell bend on committing on political suicide.

Israeli military is reported to have struck targets in Syria after a barrage of rockets was fired into northeastern Israel. Helen Johnston reports.

When Israeli went into action, they struck with both artillery fire and their airforce. It’s not yet known what they hit. Israelis were responding to what they said was the launching with the 4 rockets from Syria territory which landed without causing casualties. Israeli army said the Islamic Jihad militant group had carried out the attack and they accused it of being directed by Iran. They also say they regarded the Syria government as being responsible for the rocket fire.

Masked gunman in Egypt have kidnapped 4 members of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. The men were on a bus traveling from Ruffer on the Egypt-Gaza border to Cairo. Relations between Hamas and Egypt have been strained since the Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was ousted from power 2 years ago.

This is the world news from the BBC.

Britain will reopen its embassy in the Iranian capital Tehran this weekend, 4 years it was ransacked by protesters. The British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond will attend the opening, the first such high level visit for 12 year. Iran will reopen its embassy in London in the coming days.

Columbia’s largest rebel group, the FARC, has agreed to extend its unilateral ceasefire which was due to expire today. A FARC spokesman said the announcement was aimed at creating the right political climate for the ongoing peace negotiations with the Columbia government. Last month, the government agreed to suspend bombing raids on rebel camps, but it continues to oppose a bilateral ceasefire.

Police in Denmark say they are hunting two thieves who walked out of the Copenhagen Museum with the renowned work of art without anybody noticing. The theft for bust by the sculptor Auguste Rodin thought to be worth three hundred thousand dollars happened more than a month ago but footage of the audacious operation has just been released. John M. reports.

“CCTV in Copenhagen’s footage shows two men dressed as tourists walking into the museum’s Rodin room, removing the bust from its plane and causally walking out. The whole operation served just twelve minutes. The bust, known as ‘the man with the broken nose’, is part of a collection of the French artists’ works that the museum says is unique outside of France. Danish police say they believe the thieves visited the museum a week before the theft in order to loosen the sculpture from its base and disable the alarm.”

Seventeen people including six police officers have been injured in a raid at a refugee center in central Germany. Violence broke out when twenty asylum seekers attacked an Afghan man they suspected of ripping pages from the Koran and throwing them into a toilet. When the security forces at the shelter in the town of S. intervened, they were also attacked.

希腊总理齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)宣布辞职,他在现场电视讲话中呼吁举行新的选举,他表示,他的政府历尽艰难险阻为希腊赢得新的国际救助,现在是全国对救助协议做出判决的时候了。“你们的投票将决定我们达成的协议是否足够克服我们面临的困境,是否足够让经济复苏,让我们摆脱救助和紧缩措施。”同意推行严厉的紧缩措施换取950亿美元的救助方案后,齐普拉斯在他的希腊极左翼联盟党(Syriza)内部面临强烈反对。但是来自希腊报纸的记者Y.P.表示,他仍然会非常受欢迎。“人们仍然会让他继续领导这个国家。他们还没有感觉到政府试图通过的用来换取第三次救助的紧缩措施带来的痛苦。”

极右派法国国民阵线党(National Front Party)驱逐了其创始人让-玛丽·勒庞(Jean-Marie Le Pen)。他的被驱逐是越来越严峻的家庭斗争的结果,涉及勒庞先生和她的女儿玛丽。玛丽于四年前成为该党派领袖。下面是详细内容。


据报道,以色列军队袭击了叙利亚境内目标。此前,以色列东北部遭遇一系列火箭弹袭击。Helen Johnston报道。




本周末,英国将重开驻伊朗首都德黑兰大使馆。四年前,这座大使馆被抗议者洗劫。英国外交大臣菲利普·哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)将参加开馆仪式,这是12年来首次如此高水平的访问。伊朗未来几天也将重开驻伦敦大使馆。


丹麦警方表示,他们正在搜捕未惊动任何人从哥本哈根博物馆盗走著名艺术品的两名盗贼。被盗的是杰出雕塑家:奥古斯特·罗丹(Auguste Rodin)的雕塑,价值30万美元。作品于一个多月前被盗,但是有关盗窃过程的录像刚刚发布。John M.报道。


