英国新闻听力 朝鲜再次进行大规模核爆试验(在线收听

North Korea has carried out its biggest nuclear-test yet. South Korean officials say it may have been twice as powerful as previous detonations, causing a 5.3 magnitude seismic event at the north main test site. Pyongyang said the test was for newly developed nuclear warhead and it was now capable of putting a nuclear device on medium-ranged ballistic missiles. The South Korean president Park Geun-hye has condemned the test as an act of self-destruction, saying it will only add to the North's international isolation. Ms Park has held emergency talks with officials and has spoken to president Obama by phone. China said it was firmly opposed to the test.

The US secretary of state John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov will hold more talks in Geneva today to try to secure a nationwide truce in Syria. The two men have been meeting on and off for weeks, but several sticking points remain.

French technicians have restarted the cable cars in the French Alps, which were stuck last evening possibly due to high winds. More than 30 people were stranded.

The former head of Argentina's air force has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for the abduction of a left-wing activist couple during the military dictatorship nearly 40 years ago. The 90-year-old former commander was convicted of sending intelligence agents to kidnap the couple in 1978.

A major British review of evidence about drugs known as statins has concluded that their benefits have been underestimated and the harms exaggerated. The report in the Lancet medical journal says the drugs can cut the risk of strokes and heart attacks in both high- and low-risks patients.

And the Kenyan athlete Samwel Mushai Kimani has won the first Paralympic gold medal for his country at the Rio Games. Kimani triumphed in the 5,000 meters.


美国国务卿约翰·克里及俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫(Sergey Lavrov)今天将在日内瓦进行更多对话,试图在叙利亚全国范围达成停火协议。两人已经断断续续接洽了几周的时间,但是仍有一些问题胶着不下。




肯尼亚运动员Samwel Mushai Kimani在里约残奥会上为他的国家赢得了首枚残奥会金牌。Kimani在5000米比赛中获胜。
