英国新闻听力 美国发布欧洲旅行警告(在线收听

The US State Department has issued a travel warning to all Americans heading to Europe over the summer, citing the risk of potential terrorist attacks.


RT Anastasia Churkina has the details.


We're now learning that the US State Department has issued a warning for American tourists not to travel or reconsider their travel plans to Europe,


specifically to Europe in general this summer and to the Euro 2016 specifically


which kick starts here on June 10th and is going to attract 2.5 million people from all over the world and continue until July 10th.


They're that saying that this tournament could be a potential target for terrorism activities.


So the State Department has issued this warning that they have said on their website is going to be extended until August 31st 2016.


Of course making it obvious that it's directly going to affect potential tourists coming here to France for this European Championship.


And this is something that the European officials here particularly in France of course have been concerned about considering this latest wave of strikes that we're seeing,


unraveling in France with the railway stations, metro and towards the end of the week potentially airports are striking against Labor Law reforms that the government is trying to push along with


we do know that concerns have been high that this could affect tourism.


So now this latest terror alert is certainly something that is going to be bothering French officials here on the ground.


We can take a listen to what was said by the French and German intelligence services on this. Let's take a listen.


We know that ISIS has the European Championships in its sights.


They will try to hit as soon as possible, and achieve the greatest possible impact.


Of course, all of this comes on the heels of France preparing for this European Tournament with concerns very high that the strikes


and now this latest terror alert is going to be something that's going to be affecting those who are planning to come here.


And we spoke to European Security expert Ricardo Baretzky. He believes that the terror threat is real.


Last year before the terror attacks, six months before the terror attacks began, the U.S. also issued a warning


and that warning in the report was actually blankly ignored by most of the countries in Europe.


So this comes as no surprise you know that they made this an announcement and of course there are concerned that the security forces as a whole is not paying attention to the growing threat of ISIL.


I think the risk is rather large you know. Seeing the fact that there is a lot of things happening at the moment, we also seen instability movements across Europe happening.


we've seen the riots in France. We see the riots in Brussel today.


You know and a few weeks ago in Brandon. So there is a growing movement on the ground. There are two factors of risk.


The one you see security risk of external threats and the risk from internal threats.


So both factors is a dangerous situation that is one to time.

