英国新闻听力 汤加逾90%人口超重(在线收听) |
In Tonga, a country of just a hundred thousand people, 90% are diagnosed as obese or overweight. 汤加——一个仅有10万人口的国家,9成被诊断为肥胖或过重。 Not surprisingly, life expectancy is shrinking. 那么寿命减短的趋势也就不足为奇了。 More than a third of the adults have type-two diabetes among the highest rates of the disease in the world. 超过三分之一的成年人患有二类糖尿病,使汤加成为是世界上糖尿病人口比例最高的国家之一。 So how come? Katy Watson has been to Tonga. 那么为什么呢?凯蒂·沃森汤加报道。 I'm outside the daily diabetes clinic at the country's main hospital. 我现在位于汤加一家大医院的每日糖尿病诊所外面。 And it's by far the biggest queue here. 现在排得最长的就是这个队了。 There are probably around 15 or 20 benches and each one of them is packed. 大概15到20个长凳,每个都坐满了人。 Some are in wheelchairs. Others have bandages around their feet and their hands. 有人坐在轮椅上,有人手脚都缠着绷带。 Inside, diabetes specialist is working flat out. 糖尿病专家在里面忙得不可开交。 I always feel like I am drowning trying to stay afloat. 我总感觉自己要被淹死了,不断挣扎着浮出水面。 We have not so much expanded in terms of staffing and resources, but the work has expanded. 我们的人手和资源没有增加,但工作量增加了。 My father is a farmer and my mother is a homemaker. 我父亲是农民,母亲是家庭主妇。 There's always plentiful food. 家里的食物都够吃。 But unfortunately in that time there is a lot of importation of processed food from New Zealand. 可当时有很多从新西兰进口的加工食品。 Over the years I got quite big. Probably tipped the scale as about 170 kg. That's the photo. 几年下来,我胖了很多。大概有170公斤吧。这是照片。 Well, you were very unrecognizable in that. 噢,认不出来哎。 I mean, I can hardly tell that was you. 几乎看不出来是你。 The smiles are the same but the shirts not. Yeah. 笑容一样,就是衬衫的大小不一样了。是的。 He took me into a local supermarket to give me an idea of what the average Tongan eats. 他带我走进当地一家超市,让我看看汤加人平常都吃什么。 Ah, so there are kind of like thick pieces of bacon but there's more fat on than the meat. Yeah. 啊,所以这些是厚一点的培根,就是肥肉比一般的培根多。是的。 Some scientists believe Tonga's problem is partly down to genetics that pacific islanders in the past had to survive long periods without food so their bodies are programmed to cling on to fats. 有科学家认为,汤加的问题和基因有一定的关系,因为在过去,太平洋岛民得在不吃食物的情况下生存很长时间,所以依赖肥肉就成了他们身体的固定程序。 I think in those particular days we defined this beauty. 我觉得在那个特殊年代,我们定义了这种美。 There is no question the role the societal norms play here, no more so than in the church community in deeply religious Tonga. 毫无疑问社会规范起到一定作用,但对于宗教色彩浓厚的汤加来说,教会社区却是另一种情况。 And on a day when everything else is closed in Tonga, it's the church where everybody comes. 这一天,汤加所有地方都关门了,大家都来到了教堂。 It's also the first time that I've seen so many Tongans in one place. 这是我第一次见到这么多汤加人聚集在一处。 And you could really see the health crisis is facing this country. 明显可以看到这个国家面临着健康危机。 Most people were very overweight. 大部分人过胖。 God's decided on when I will die. 我什么时候死上帝已经定下了。 So that means just enjoy my food. 所以就敞开吃吧。 So it kills us, it kills us that we are eating too much. 吃得太多会让我们死得更快。 Tonga's health minister, a large man himself, he acknowledges that obesity and related onuses like diabetes are a huge drain on the country's budget. 汤加的卫生部长本人也较胖,但他知道,肥胖及相关病症比如糖尿病,是国家财政开支的一大项。 Tongans they don't pay for their treatment. 汤加人吃喝玩乐不用花钱。 When it's free, then people are not responsible for their life. 什么都是免费的,人们就不会对自己的生命负责了。 They don't care because they can see they will be treated. 他们不在乎,因为知道自己会得到那些。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/ygxwtl/539136.html |