英国新闻听力 应用程序帮助企业预防假货(在线收听

Thirty-four-year-old Jemima Mwafigu intently logs her inventory into her computer.

34岁的Jemima Mwafigu专心把库存清单录入电脑。她是一位女商人,出售香水和时尚古龙水。

She is a businesswoman who deals in perfumes and designer colognes. But in the first year of running her business, she found it hard to keep customers due to counterfeit goods.


She says things have improved since she began using an smartphone app known as "Barcode Scanner" to authenticate her products.


Today she's taking one of her clients through the authentication process before finalizing a sale. She says the app has made all the difference.


"With this application I'm able to scan the bar codes of each perfume that I may be able to sell to my customers and instantly I get the manufacture date, the expiry date and I'm able to know the authenticity.


It will actually point me to the perfume house that I'm looking for. That way, I have confidence in selling to my customers," said Mwafigu.


In 2010, Kenya created an Anti-Counterfeit Agency (ACA) to combat the illicit trade.


The ACA has successfully lobbied for stiff penalties to deter would-be counterfeiters.


Agnes Karingu, the ACA's acting deputy director for research and awareness, tells VOA the agency is trying to stay one step ahead of those making the fake goods.

负责调查和警示的反假货局代理副局长Agnes Karingu告诉VOA,该局努力做到比造假者领先一步。

"We are also looking into IT solutions where we can be able to use SMS programs, we can be able to use bar codes and information sharing,whereby the end users of the products can actually be able to get the information authentication between counterfeit and genuine, and this information comes back to ACA and intellectual property rights holders," said Karingu.


The agency is testing a pilot program known as "Allvirtous" -- another app that checks a product's authenticity by scanning its barcode.


The information is then sent to a database before a positive or negative result is fed back to the app.


The International Chamber of Commerce says the value of counterfeit goods produced globally is expected to top $1.7 trillion this year.


For entrepreneurs such as Mwafigu, the new apps will help ensure the products she sells are the real thing.

