英国新闻听力 90%海鸟胃里可能有塑料(在线收听

United Nation has released satellite photos taken over Syria which it says shows the Temple of Bel in the ancient city of Palmyra has been destroyed by the Islamic State militants who control the site. David Bason reports.

联合国发布了在叙利亚上空拍摄到的卫星图片,图片显示,帕尔米拉古城内的贝尔神庙被控制着该地区的伊斯兰国激进分子摧毁。David Bason报道。

At the weekend, Syrian residents near to ancient Palmyra have reported a massive explosion indicating that Islamic State militants were setting about the earliest of their task of destroying the 2000-year-old Temple of Bel.


But Syria's head of antiquities though having no access to the area have raised some hopes that militants had failed by saying the structure was still mostly intact.


Now the United Nation's satellite pictures indicate there is no doubt. The UN statement said they could confirm the destruction of the main building as well as the line of stone columns that once stood beside it.


Thousands of pages of emails from the private server of the former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton have been released by the US state department shortly.


Mrs Clinton has said it was a mistake for her to use a private server to send government correspondence. Richard L reports.

克林顿承认她使用私人服务器来处理政府通讯信件是错误的。Richard L报道。

This is the fourth and largest release of Hilary Clinton's emails as Secretary of State amounting to some 7000 pages.


Mrs Clinton is adamant that she never sent or recieved any information marked as classified using her home server.


But around 150 of the latest batch of emails have now been marked as classified as a result of the investigation.


Her political opponents have accused her of putting America's security at risk by using an insecure computer system.


While she remains the leading Democratic contender in the battle for the White House, support for her has now fallen to the point that vice president Joe Biden is seriously considering changing her for the nomination.


A jury in the United States has convicted a 74-year-old man of shooting three people dead outside two jewish centers in the suburb of Kansas city.


During his trial, Frazier Glenn Cross said he carried out the killings last year because he believed Jews were too powerful and were destroying the white race.

在审判期间,Frazier Glenn Cross表示,他去年犯下该罪行,因为他觉得犹太教太强大了,正在破坏白人种族。

None of his three victims was jewish.


Austria has stepped up the inspection of vehicles arriving from Hungary to look for migrants hidden in vans or lorries.


Officials said they discovered more than 200 people since Sunday evening and detained several suspected smugglers. Bethany Bell was at the Hungarian-Austrian border.

官员们表示,自周日晚上以来,他们发现了超过200人,拘留了几名走私犯嫌疑人。Bethany Bell在匈牙利奥地利边境处报道。

I saw one van. I think it was carrying vacuum cleaners. It was stocked on the border for quite a long time.


And I saw police escorting a woman carrying a tiny baby and three men who have clearly been in one of the vehicles.


The migrants were then taken to a makeshift sealed hospital the Red Cross has set up on the border there. As well, we've also seen action on the trains today.The stream of people keeping on.


World news from the BBC.


The White House says president Barack Obama is considering a wide range of options to close the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay. There are still 116 detainees at the facility.


A Russian nuclear official based in the United States has pleaded guilty to arranging 2 million dollars worth of corrupt payments.


The US justice department said Vadim Mikerin helped to illegally transfer to offshore counts money that was paid by US companies seeking business with Russian nuclear materials trader.

美国司法部表示,Vadim Mikerin非法向离岸帐户转移企图与俄罗斯核材料贸易商做生意的公司支付的赃款。

Three journalists have been remanded in custody in southeast Turkey by a court on charges of helping militant groups.


The two British reporters and their translator were working for the Vice News group in the city of Adana. The journalists denied the accusations.

两名英国记者和他们的翻译为亚达那城Vice News工作。这三名记者否认了控罪。

Scientists say it is possible that 90 percent of the world's seabirds have plasitc in their stomaches.


The study has also warned that the problem was getting worse and action is taken to stop waste getting into oceans. Here is our scientific correspondent Johnson I.

研究还警告称,这个问题越来越严重,必须采取措施防止垃圾进入海洋。我们的科技通讯员Johnson I报道。

To the far reaching seabirds, discarded plastic, cigerette lighter or a shiny bottle caps might look like a fish.


And if eaten, the debris may simply stay in the gut. As more plastic waste finds its way into the oceans so the hazards increase.


And on current trends by the century, it's likely no seabirds would be able to avoid it. As the pressing of all the sounds, the problem is solvable, the scientists say.


The study indicates that if the stream of plastic waste getting into the oceans can be shut off,then seabirds have the capacity to recover quite quickly.


The Guatamalan president Otto Perez Molina says he will not step down of the accusation of corruption despite months of protests demanding his resignation.

危地马拉总统奥托·佩雷斯·莫利纳(Otto Perez Molina)表示,他不会因为贪腐罪指控而辞职,尽管要求辞职的抗议活动已经持续了数月。

The congressional committee recommended on Saturday that he be stripped of immunity from prosecution over his alleged involvement in a customs scandal.


Mr Perez Molina has denied any wrong doing.

