美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2008-02-11(在线收听

1.Democrats in Maine are braving snow and cold winds to vote in today's caucuses. Twenty-four delegates are up for grabs there. Meanwhile, on the Republican side, Mike Huckabee says he has no plans of stepping out of the race any time soon. His statement comes after rival John McCain has emerged as the party's front-runner.

2.Officials in Tennessee say they think the fire that destroyed this local mosque may be the result of a hate crime. Investigators found drawings of swastikas and graffiti at the scene. No one was injured in the blaze.

3.Most Americans think the county is in a recession. That's according to a new AP Ipsos poll. Sixty-one percent of the people surveyed think the US is suffering its first recession since 2001. More than half say they are worried about the value of their stocks and retirement investments' dropping.

4.Officials in Iraq have unveiled their new flag. It no longer features three green stars. They were thought to represent the three objectives of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party--unity, freedom and socialism.
