英国新闻听力 爱尔兰纪念复活节起义100周年(在线收听

Two events in Dublin to mark the 100th anniversary of what’s known there as the Easter Rising. In 1916, the city center was occupied by revolutionaries set on the violent overthrow of the hated occupiers, the British. They failed. But as Peter Hunt reports, the rising was still seen as an important step towards the creation of the Irish Republic.

The drum beat of commemoration not of rebellion as it was in 1916. We went out to fight. I am glad we did. We seem to have lost. We have not lost. To refuse to fight would have been to lose. To fight is to win.

The Easter Rising didn’t succeed. It didn’t have popular support until the executions of the ringleaders. But its bloody actions did lead to the independence the Irish State now enjoys. This weekend, this country, is honouring the revolutionaries who became the martyrs of 1916.

The haunting music there ending that report by Peter Hunt.

While one hundred years on, the arts are at the centre of this weekend’s commemorations.

Be proud of where we’ve come from. Be proud of where we’ve been.

Music, theatre, literature, poetry… The number of rising related performances is overwhelming. Even River Dance creator Michael Flatley has released this single.

This is the biggest event that RTE has ever undertaken. And it’s hugely significant, sort of massive occasion for the country to reflect on the last hundred years but also to look forward to the next hundred years and kind of see where we are as a nation.

Easter 1916 changed Ireland forever.

But it’s not just this weekend.

There has been an armed rising in the centre of Dublin.

RTE has even delved into its archives and been rebroadcasting a 1966 dramatization of the rebellion that hasn’t been seen for fifty years.

I don’t think it will be possible to look at Ireland over the last hundred years without talking in depth about the role of James Joys or Samuel Beckett for that matter. The arts and culture is part of who we are.

The composer Michael Rooney has delved into Ireland’s cultural past.




震撼人心的音乐结束了彼得? 亨特的报道。










