英国新闻听力 印度七旬老妇生育第一个孩子(在线收听

I am Stewart Macintosh with the BBC news. Hello.

The Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff has asked the supreme court to block impeachment proceedings against her in a final attempt to stop the process before she faces a crucial vote in senate. If a simple majority of senators vote against the president later on Wednesday a fully impeachment trial will be launched. Wale David reports from Brazil.

The beleagured president denies the charges against her that she illegally conceal the scale of the budget deficit. Brazil's first female leader says what is really happening first in the lower house of congress, and now in the senate is a judicial coup by her political opponents to remove her from office. In a recent interview with the BBC, Dilma Rousseff appeared to acknowledge that she would be suspended, pending an impeachment trial. But she said she would fight to clear her name, and fully intended to resume the final two years of her presidency.

U.S. media are projecting that the Democratic presidential hopeful, Bernie Sanders, has won the West Virginia primary, beating the frontrunner, Hillary Clinton. More from David in Los Angeles.

Bernier Sanders is running out of time to close the gap on Hillary Clinton yet he refuses to go quietly. His victory in this primary means he’s won 19 states to Hillary Clinton’s 23 yet she continues to enjoy her comfortable lead in the race for delegates. Bernier Sanders has claimed on several occasions that he for a better against Donald Trump in the presidential election than she would. And opinion poll conducted in 3 key swing states would appear to bear him out.

Bangladesh has executed the leader of the country's largest Islamist party for war crimes committed during the 1971 independence war with Pakistan.The authority say Matiur Rahman Nizami was hanged in Dhaka's central prison.

Detectives in the US state of Minnesota have questioned a doctor who saw the pop star Prince twice in the weeks before he died. The police warrant had reviewed that doctor Michael prescribed medication to the 57-year-old singer the day before he died last month. The warrant doesn’t say what drugs were prescribed, nor whether the singer took them.

A fertility clinic in India says a 72-year-old woman was given birth to her first baby after receiving IVF treatment. Delgen Decower gave birth last month to a boy following 2 years of treatment to the clinic in the northern state Heriana. James Kelly reports.

Delgen Decower told journalist she and her 79-year-old husband had almost lost hope of ever having a child. But after 46 years of marriage their prayers has finally being answered. She said her life now felt completed, adding that she felt full of energy. Clinic official said the baby was conceived using the couple’s own egg and sperm and was now healthy and hearty after weighing just 2 kg of birth.

World news from the BBC.

Taiwan has executed a former college student who was sentenced to death for killing four people and injuring 22 others in a stabbing spree on a subway train 2 years ago. Zheng Qi, who is 23 was isodized and shot 3 times at Taibei’s detention center. The attack shocked Taiwan which has a low crime rate.

Amnesty International says at least 149 prisoners had died in a poor conditions this year to military detention center in northeast Nigeria. The campaign group says eleven of those who died at GB were young children. Amnesty says inmates are kept overcrowded in filthy cells and face death from disease, hunger or gunshot wounds. It’s called for the center to be closed.

Police in Australia say they’ve arrested 5 men who are suspected of planning to cross the ocean in a small fishing boat to join Islamic millitant group in Syria. The men were detained after towing the seven meter craft almost 3000 kilometers from Melbourn to Kens in Queensland. Media reports say the radical preacher Musa Seritonio was among those held. Sherin Paton is Victoria State deputy police commissioner.

There have been reports that seem to be downplaying it somewhat, and I want to be perfectly clear this is a serious attempt by five men who are of security interest to us, who have their passports canceled and are attempting to exit Australia, so that they can make their way through boat, and ultimately we are investigating the intention to possibly end in Syria to fight.

An indenpent review commissioned by the Australia criket authorities following the death of the batsman Phillipuse has called for new player safety guidelines. Among the recommendations are that all first-class cricketers in Australia be compelled to wear protective helmets that meet stringent safety standards when facing fast balling. He was dead two days after he was struck in the neck by a ball in 2014.

我是Stewart Macintosh,为您报道BBC新闻。大家好。

巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞芙(Dilma Rousseff)要求最高法庭阻止对她的弹劾程序,在议会对她进行关键性投票之前制止该程序作出最后努力。如果在周三晚些时候的投票中大多数参议员反对总统,将开展弹劾审判。Wale David在巴黎报道。

四面楚歌的总统否认了非法隐瞒预算赤字规模的指控。巴西首位女性领导人表示,议会下院以及现在参议员发生的事情都是她的政治对手企图让她下台的司法政变。最近接受BBC采访时,迪尔玛·罗塞芙(Dilma Rousseff)似乎承认她将被暂停职务,弹劾程序悬而未决。但她表示将会努力为自己正名,全力以赴完成最后两年总统任期。

美国媒体报道称,民主党总统候选人种子选手伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)赢得了西佛吉尼亚初选,打败了领先者希拉里·克林顿。David在洛杉矶报道更详细内容。

伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)要缩小和希拉里·克林顿之间的差距时间已经所剩无多,然而他拒绝沉寂。他在这次初选中的胜利意味着他在19个州获胜,而希拉里·克林顿在23个州获胜,然而她继续享受在这场竞选中的领先地位。伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)曾在几个场合宣称,在面对唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)时,他比希拉里·克林顿更有优势。在三个摇摆不定的州举行的民意测验似乎证明了他的说法。

孟加拉国处决了该国最大伊斯兰党派的头目,罪名是1971年与巴基斯坦独立战争期间犯下的战争罪。当局表示,马蒂乌尔·拉赫曼·尼扎米(Matiur Rahman Nizami)在达卡中心监狱被吊死。


印度一家生育诊所表示,一名72岁的妇女接受了IVF治疗之后生育了第一个孩子。上月,Delgen Decower在北部Heriana州一家诊所接受了两年的治疗之后产下一名男婴。James Kelly报道。

Delgen Decower告诉记者,她和她79岁的丈夫对于生下自己的孩子几乎已经不抱希望。但是结婚46年之后,他们的祈祷终于得到回应。她说感觉现在自己的生活圆满了,她充满了能量。诊所官员表示,婴儿是用这对夫妇自己的精子和卵子孕育成功的,出生时只有2千克,现在非常健康。




澳大利亚警方表示,他们逮捕了试图搭乘一艘小渔船穿越海洋,加入叙利亚伊斯兰激进组织的5名男子。这些男子驾驶着7米长的渔船跨越3000千米的海陆从墨尔本抵达昆士兰之后被拘留。媒体报道称,激进派传道士Musa Seritonio也在其中。Sherin Paton是维多利亚州警察局副局长。


