纪录片《我们的地球》 第354期 广袤草原(19)(在线收听) |
For the grasslands team, no location would prove as challenging as that dominated by elephant grass in northeast India. 对于草原摄制组来说,在印度东北部长满象草的草原拍摄最富挑战性。 The aim, to capture intimate images of some the world's most elusive creatures using the latest technology. 我们要用最先进的技术,近距离捕捉世界上最稀有生物的精彩瞬间。 But they will need to be careful. 但是他们必须小心翼翼。 More people are killed by wildlife here in Kaziranga than in any other national park on the planet. 在加济兰加国家公园被野生动物杀死的人数位列所有国家公园之首。 Every time we go into these tunnels, we have to take an armed guard, 每次我们钻进这些洞穴的时候,我们必须带上全副武装的保卫员, 'cause there are so many animals in here that are dangerous. 因为这里危险的动物太多了。 Tigers are probably the least of our worries, 我们最不担心的就是老虎, but rhinos and buffalo, elephants, sloth bear, all of them can injure you. 而是犀牛和水牛,还有大象和懒熊,都会伤害到你。 And we gotta keep up with our armed guard. 必须跟紧我们的保卫员。 The team have bumped into their first obstacle. 摄制组遇到了第一个难题。 There's a rhino right there. 那里有一只犀牛。 Let's go back because it's too risky going through this heavy grass. 我们要往回走,因为穿过这片茂密的草丛太危险了。 Let's get in the open. There's another rhino. 我们挑开阔的地方走。又有一只犀牛。 Now we have two rhinos. Let's get in here. Okay. 现在我们遇到了两只犀牛。我们走这边。好了。 The guard throws a ball of mud to one side of the rhinos, moving the animals on without harming them. 保卫员将土块扔向犀牛的一边,在不伤害他们的情况下将他们赶走。 We're okay. It's gone. Okay. 我们安全了。它走了。好的。 What about the other one? Let's go, quick. 另一头怎么办?我们走,快点。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/jlpwmddq/540934.html |