英国新闻听力 匈牙利拒绝欧盟安置移民计划(在线收听

Colombia’s president Juan Manuel Santos has insisted that a ceasefire between the government and the FARC rebels will remain in place and inspite of the rejection by voters of the historical peace deal.

哥伦比亚总统胡安·曼努埃尔·桑托斯(Juan Manuel Santos)坚持称,政府与哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)叛军之间的停火协议将继续生效,尽管选民否决了该具有历史意义的和平协议。

Mr. Santos said he wouldn’t resign and would carry on working for peace.


The agreement signed last week in a high profile ceremony was rejected in the referendum by a razor-thin margin.


The new FARC leader known as Timoleon Jimenez said he regreted the result, but he insisted there would be no return to violence.

FARC新任领袖蒂莫莱翁·希门尼斯(Timoleon Jimenez)表示他对该结果感到遗憾,但是坚持称不会退回到暴力的漩涡。

The former president álvaro Uribe who had no campaign said all Colombians wanted peace but that the deal needed what he called corrections.

没有参加任何活动的前总统阿尔瓦罗·乌里韦(álvaro Uribe)表示,所有哥伦比亚人都向往和平,但是该协议需要他所说的“修改”。

Mr. Uribe had argued that government was not being tough enough with the FARC.


Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán says the European Union is facing important questions after Hungarian voters rejected EU plans for the mandatory resettlement of migrants.

匈牙利总理欧尔班·维克托(Viktor Orbán)表示,匈牙利选民否决了欧盟强制性重新安置移民的计划后,欧盟面临重大问题。

More than 90% of those who voted supported Mr. Orbán, but on a turnout too low for the results to be mandatory.


The prime minister’s political opponents have called for him to resign.


Afghan officials say Taliban militants have launched a coordinated assault on the northern city of Kunduz.


A police officer said the insurgents had been attacking from 4 directions and heavy fighting was going on in and around the city.


The European Union has proposed a new plan to help deliver aids to tens of thousands of people trapped in besieged part of Syria in particular Aleppo.


The EU said they will provide 28 million dollars’ worth funding and work with United Nations agencies to deliver medicines, water and foods to the rebel-held eastern part of Aleppo.


In golf, the United States team has won the Ryder Cup for the first time in eight years after beating Europe.


The US victory in Minnesota end stream of three successive defeats at the hand of Europe.

