英国新闻听力 众议院议长称不会维护特朗普(在线收听

The speaker of the US House of Representatives Paul Ryan says he won't defend or campaign with the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

美国众议院议长保罗·瑞恩(Paul Ryan)表示,他不会维护共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普,也不会和他一起参加竞选活动。

Instead,he has been making sure that Hillary Clinton did not get a blank check and that both houses of Congress did not go to the Democrats.


The BBC has learned that Saudi Arabia has privately accepted that one of its own coalition warplanes bombed a funeral in the Yemeni capital killing at least 140 people.


The Saudis have initiated an investigation into the incident in which more than 500 people were also wounded.


The UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon says a massive response is required to help Haiti recover from the devastation caused by hurricane Matthew, he says some towns and villages have been wiped off the map.


Russia and Turkey have signed a deal to construct two pipelines to send Russian gas under the Black Sea to Turkey, a project known as Turks Dream.


One pipeline will be for Turkish domestic consumption, the other will supply southeast Europe bypassing Ukraine.


The Rwanda president Paul Kagame has warned of a showdown with France after French investigators said they had reopened a probe into the assassination of the former Rwandan leader Juvénal Habyarimana.

卢旺达总统保罗·卡加梅(Paul Kagame)警告将与法国摊牌。此前,法国调查人员表示,他们重新对卢旺达前领袖朱韦纳尔·哈比亚利马纳(Juvénal Habyarimana)被暗杀的案件展开调查。

His shooting down of his French crew plane in 1994 triggered the genocide.


President Zuma has asked South Africa's top anti-corruption official not to release her findings into his relationships with the wealthy family and he’s questioned other witnesses.


The outgoing public protector last week questioned Mr. Zuma over allegations that the Gupta family had influence to political appointments.


And the children of some 16,000 migrants stranded in Greece have begun school with one group facing a protest by angry Greek parents.


Around 100 police officers formed a cordon to allow the Syrian and Afghan youngsters into the school.

