英国新闻听力 特朗普出言侮辱女性录音被曝光(在线收听

The Houthi rebel movement in Yemen hasaccused the Saudi-led coalition of killing at least 82 people in an airstrike that targeted a funeralceremony. More than 500 people were injured inthe attack. The victims were mourners who crowded into a hall in the capital Sanaa. They werepaying their respects following the death of the father of a prominent rebel figure.

Donald Trump has insisted he will never quit the race for the US presidency inspite of an outcryover lewd comments he made in 2005 about groping women. Mr. Trump’s wife Melania has nowadded her voice to a stream of condemnations, saying his remarks made shortly after hemarried her were unacceptable and offensive although she said this did not represent theman she knew.

German police hunting for a Syrian man suspected of planning a bomb attack say they foundhundreds of grams of explosives. Officers raided an apartment in eastern city of Chemnitz aftera tip-off from the domestic intelligent service.

The International Olympic Committee has announced new plans to strengthen the fightagainst doping in sport in time for the 2018 Winter Olympics. It won special funding for theWorld Anti-doping Agency, so it can create a new fully independent testing unit. The move willcurb the powers of International Sports Federations.

Hurricane Matthew has brought heavy flooding to the historical US town of Charleston in SouthCarolina as it continues its sweep on Atlantic coast. More than 1 million people in the Americansoutheastern left without power, 4 people died in Florida.

The Nigerian authorities say they have seized more than 800,000 dollars as they carried outanti-corruption raids against several judges. The money in local and foreign currency wasapparently found in the homes of the judges who’ve not been identified.






