英国新闻听力 巴西开设大象庇护所(在线收听

The US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing further accusations of sexual assault.


A women who once appeared on his TV show The Apprentice said Mr.Trump had tried to force himself on her in 2007.

曾经在他的电视节目《学徒》(The Apprentice)中露面的一名女子表示,特朗普曾在2007年试图强行和她发生性关系。

Another said the billionaire had groped her in a New York club in the 1990s.


Mr.Trump was holding a rally as the allegations emerged, he dismissed his accusers as horrible liars.


The US authorities are banning Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones from all flights.

美国相关部门禁止三星Galaxy Note 7智能手机登上任何航班。

The Department of Transportation issued an emergency order because of safety affairs following reports of the phone's catching fire.


Samsung has halted the production and sale of the handsets.


Nigeria's president Muhammadu Buhari has said his wife belongs at home after she warned that she might not support him if he stood the next election.

尼日利亚总统穆罕马杜·布哈里(Muhammadu Buhari)表示,他的妻子属于家庭。此前,她警告称,如果他参加下次选举,她可能不会再支持他。

Mr. Buhari said with a smile: "I don't know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs in my kitchen and my living room and the other room."


Three men in the US state of Kansas have been charged with plotting to bomb an apartment complex mainly occupied by Somali immigrants.


The acting US attorney for the district said the men belonged to a militia group and had been stockpiling bomb-making materials which they planned to detonate the day after the presidential election next month.


Mexico says it aims to extradite the drugs lord Joaquin Guzman to the United States early next year. Guzman has escaped from two Mexican high security jails.

墨西哥表示,他们计划明年年初将毒枭古兹曼(Joaquin Guzman)引渡到美国。古兹曼过去曾经两次从墨西哥高安全级别的监狱越狱。

The United States is ending restrictions on the amount of rum and cigars that American tourists can bring back from trips to Cuba. The current 100 dollar limit is being scrapped.


And an elephant sanctuary has opened in Brazil to provide a home for an estimated 50 circus animals from across Latin America.


Two elephants arrived at the site in the western state of Mato Grosso this week. Both are over 40 years old and unable to perform.


The land was bought by a US-based organization to take animals in need of a home as zoos in latin America close and more laws are passed prohibiting the use of animals in circuses.

