英国新闻听力 泰国国王普密蓬离世(在线收听

There has been an outpouring of grief for across Thailand as people mourn with death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. When the news was announced, crowds at the hospital where he was treated broke down. King Adulyadej has been the world's longest reigning monarch.

The American singer, song writer Bob Dylan has won this year's Nobel Prize for literature. The Swedish Academy said Dylan had created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition. It's the first time the awards to a song writer.

Portuguese politician Antonio Guterres has been officially appointed the next secretary general of the United Nations. The former Portuguese said he will fullfil his role with gratitude and humility.

The U.N mission at the Central Africa Republic says 30 were killed by a militia group which attacked the central town of Kaga-Bandoro. The U.N blamed Seleka, a largely Muslin rebel group which overthrew the government in 2013 sparking a civil war.

The U.S Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump says he has substantial evidence to contradict allegations sexually assaulted a number of women. Mr. Trump told rally in Florida that his opponents will conduct a vicious campaign against him, but it will gladly take the slimmest narrows for his supporters.

The president of the European Council Donald Tusk said he believes the choice facing Britain in leaving the European Union is between a hard Brexit and no Brexit. He insisted that UK will not be able to retain the benefits of EU membership after left.

The president of Football's World governing body FIFA has been outlining plans to change the scandal-written organization. Gianni Infantino told the BBC he will increase participation in the game by a third and double the number of women players to 60 million. It'll also be changes to business practices. The FIFA council is meeting in Zurich.

近日,泰国举国上下一片悲戚,为其国王普密蓬 阿杜德 ( Bhumibol Adulyadej )离世哀悼。当消息宣布出来时,守候在普密蓬诊治医院外民众的世界有如崩塌。普密蓬是世界史上在位时间最长的君主。

美国歌手、作曲家鲍勃 迪伦赢得了本年度的诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典学院(Swedish Academy)宣布,鲍勃在传统的美国歌曲中初创了新的诗词用语。这是有史以来该奖项第一次花落作曲人之家。

葡萄牙政治家Antonio Guterres被正式任命为下一届联合国秘书长。Antonio Guterres表示,会带着感激和谦虚履行职责。



欧盟主席唐纳德 图斯克(Donald Tusk)表示,他相信英国脱欧的决定是顽固脱欧派与留欧派之间的对决。他坚信,英国脱欧后,将无法保留作为欧盟成员国的诸多优势。

国际足联(FIFA)总裁Gianni Infantino正计划FIFA改变丑闻缠身的现状。他告诉BBC记者,他会将比赛参与度提升1/3,并将女性球员数量提升一倍至6000万,也会对足联商业运作的方式进行改变。FIFA委员会正在苏黎世举行会议。
