英国新闻听力 超强台风海马或重创菲律宾(在线收听

The U.S. military says there are indications that leaders of the Islamic State group have been fleeing the city of Mosul, as Iraqi government forces and their allies close in. General Gary Volesky said his forces had detected the departure of senior IS figures, but he didn't name them or given any details of how they'd escaped.

A three-day ceasefire is due to begin shortly in Yemen. Both the government, which is supported by a Saudi-led military coalition, and the Houthi rebel movement have agreed to a U.N.-brokered truce. There've been reports of more clashes in the run-up to the ceasefire.

Scientists of the European Space Agency are still waiting to find out if they've successfully landed a small robot on the surface of Mars. A senior scientist says the fact that the signal from the lander was lost shortly before it touched down wasn't a good sign. However, the spacecraft, which deployed the lander, has successfully gone into orbit around Mars.

The former speaker of the Lower House of the Brazilian Congress, Eduardo Cunha, has been arrested in the connection with a major corruption investigation. Mr. Cunha led the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff earlier this year.

Thousands of people in Argentina have walked out of work for an hour as part of a protest against domestic violence. Activists have also asked women to dress in black and join street marches, following the rape and murder of a sixteen-year-old girl early this month.

Forecasts are predicting widespread damage in the Philippines from typhoon Haima, which is bringing fierce winds and rain to the northern island of Luzon. The storm was upgraded to a super typhoon just before it made landfall.

Police in India have detained two brothers accused of repeatedly beating one of their classmate, allegedly because he scored well in school and came from the Dalit community, the lowest Indian caste. The boys have been sent to a juvenile detention center.

美国军方表示,有迹象表明,伊斯兰国组织首领已逃离伊拉克城市摩苏尔,原因是伊拉克政府军队及其盟友正在不断迫近。美军少将沃勒斯基(Gary Volesky)表示,其军队已发现IS高级首领离开的迹象,但他并未直接点名道姓,也没有提供其是如何发现IS首领逃亡迹象的。



巴西国会下议院前发言人Eduardo Cunha因涉嫌重大贪污案而被捕调查。而今年年初,Eduardo曾领导对总统罗塞夫的弹劾。



