英国新闻听力 喀麦隆客运火车脱轨(在线收听

Canada says negotiations to reach a free trade deal with European Union had failed. The Canadian trade minister said it had become evident that the EU was not capable of reaching agreement. The EU says the process is not over.

The French authorities have announced that a migrant camp in the port of Calais which has strained relations between France and Britain would be closed on Monday. The camp houses thousands of people want to reach the UK.

The Department of Homeland Security in the United States is investigating the cause of cyber-attacks on Friday which have affected some of the best known names on the internet.

Cameron's transport minister has said that at least 53 people died when a crowded passenger train derailed on Friday near the town of Eseka. Eyewitnesses said ten carriages overturned trapping people underneath.

The Mexican authorities have arrested the former police chief of Iguala, the town where 43 students went missing two years ago. Relatives of the victims said they hoped his arrest would lead to more information about what happened to them.

The US defense secretary Ash Carter has insisted that this an agreement principle for Turkey to help retake the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State militants. But an Iraqi government official said Baghdad wanted Turkey to back its war against IS and not violate Iraqi sovereignty.

A lawyer in Pakistan is calling on President Mamnoon Hussain to halt the execution of paranoia Schizophrenic who’s been sentenced to death for murder. Imdad ali was declared clinically insane after killing a cleric 14 years ago.

The UN has appointed the comic book character Wonder Woman as an honorary ambassador for the empowerment of women and girls. Some UN staff argued that the scantily dressed super hero could trample on cultural and religious sensibilities.






美国国防部长卡特(Ash Carter)坚持称,关于如何帮助土耳其从伊斯兰国激进分子手中夺回伊拉克北部城市摩苏尔有着一致原则。但是伊拉克一位政府官员表示,巴格达希望土耳其能够支持他们打击IS的战争,但是不要侵犯伊拉克主权。

巴基斯坦一名律师呼吁总统马姆努恩·侯赛因(Mamnoon Hussain)暂停处决偏执狂精神病患者,此人因谋杀被判死刑。14年前Imdad ali杀害一名牧师之后被诊断精神失常。

