英国新闻听力 大众尾气门以150亿美元和解(在线收听

A federal judge in the United States has approved a settlement of a nearly 15 billion dollars for claims against the German car manufacturer Volks Wagen over its diesel emission scandal.


Nearly half a million Volks Wagen owners will be able to sell back their cars or get them fixed.


They also received up to 10,000 dollars in compensation. Volks Wagen admitted last year that it cheated on diesel emissions tests to make its vehicles appear cleaner.


The International Energy Agency says the world's capacity to generate electricity from renewable sources,such as solar power,has now overtaken coal.


A new report by the agency says half a million solar panels were installed every day around the world last year.


United Nations has warned that a rise in hate speech and incitement to ethnic violence in south Sudan could result in mass atrocities.


Tensions between the largest ethnic group, the Dinka and people from the Equitoria region have grown dramatically in recent weeks after deadly attacks on Dinka bus passengers.


The US Defence Secretary,Ash Carter,says he's encouraged by the progress being made in the major offensive against Islamic state militants in Mosul.

美国国防部长阿什·卡特(Ash Carter)表示,摩苏尔针对伊斯兰国激进分子的重大行动取得的进展使他倍受鼓舞。

But he warned that resistance by IS was likely to intensify as the Iraqi troops and their allies close in.


Earlier,there were fresh reports that militants have been killing civilians in areas just south of Mosul.


Congress in Venezuela has voted to open a political trail against the socialist president Nicolas Maduro,further raising tensions between the government and opposition-led National Assembly.

委内瑞拉国会投票对社会党总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)开展政治审判,进一步增加了政府和反对派领导的国民议会之间的紧张关系。

The Congress accused Mr.Maduro of violating democracy.The Venezuelan government Supreme Court declared Congress illegitimate.


The captain of Brazil's legendary 1970 world cup winning football team Carlos Alberto Torres has died in Rio De Janeiro after heart attack, he was 72.

曾经赢得1970年世界杯冠军的巴西传奇队长卡洛斯·阿尔贝托·托雷斯Carlos Alberto Torres因心脏病在里约热内卢去世,享年72岁。
