纪录片《南太平洋》 第174期 脆弱天堂(23)(在线收听

To film the purse seine fishing sequence, the South Pacific team decided they would need to put a cameraman inside the fishing net.

要拍摄围网捕鱼场景 南太平洋摄制组决定他们要将 一名摄影师派到渔网内

Few divers have ever attempted this before and it proved to be a real challenge.

极少潜水者曾经尝试过这种做法 而且被证明是一场真正的挑战

To be in the right spot at the right time, the film crew have to take up residence on a purse seine vessel.

为及时到达正确地点 摄制组不得不长住在一艘围网渔船上

This 60-metre Papua New Guinea vessel can hold 800 tonnes of fish.


For the 30-strong, all-male crew this boat is home.


They spend 330 days of the year at sea, and can go two years without seeing their families.

他们一年中有330天在海上度过 而且一走就两年见不到他们家人

Their lives are a never-ending quest for fish.


They're in port for three days, which gives the film crew a chance to jump on board.

他们进港三天 给了摄制组一个登船的机会

Here we are.


It's a vast ocean, and even the fishermen don't know where the fish are, so they set a course for the location of their last big catch.

这是一片辽阔的大海 连渔民也不知道鱼在哪里 因此他们为大收获地点定了一条路线

The film crew have arranged for a dive boat to meet them there.


Without the support of a professional dive boat, it would be dangerous to get in the water and film.

没有专业潜水船的支持 进入水里并拍摄会有危险

Just hours after leaving, reports come in of big tuna catches up north, and the captain sets a new course.

出发后仅几小时 收到报告说 大金枪鱼群在北边 于是船长设定新的路线

This is not good news for the team.


Our dive boat is based out of here... and we're gonna be up here.

我们的潜水船停在这儿 而我们要往这里去

For the dive boat, that would be about 45 hours.

对于潜水船 得走上大约45个小时

This new location is well out of range of the dive boat.


With the success of the shoot hinging on the diving, this is a worrying turn of events.

由于拍摄的成功取决于潜水 事态的转变令人担忧

The fishing boat motors on all night, taking the team further and further from their planned rendezvous.

渔船马达彻夜轰鸣 把摄制组带离计划中的集合地越来越远
