纪录片《南太平洋》 第177期 脆弱天堂(26)(在线收听

Frustratingly, days pass and the fishermen fail to find any more fish.

无奈地 几天过去了 渔民找不到鱼

We're going down to the wire here.


We've got two days left and we still haven't seen any fish, so getting a little nervous.

只剩两天时间了还是一条鱼都没见到 因此变得有点紧张

Yeah, it'd be tragic to be out here and not have the opportunity to film this.

是的 出来到这里却没有机会拍摄会是悲惨的

Eventually, they locate a school.

最后 他们定位了一个鱼群

So the question is, are there any fish in that net?

问题是 那张网里有鱼吗?

This is the team's last chance to get the sequence.


To their great relief, all their effort has finally paid off.

让他们如释重负的是 他们所有的努力最终得到回报

They share the net with 150 tonnes of tuna—one of the biggest catches of the year.


It's an intense experience.


Once again, there are no sharks.

又一次 没有鲨鱼

But as the net tightens, the space inside gets ever smaller.

但当网勒紧 内部空间变得更小

The fish begin to panic.


Eventually, the crew have to bail out.

最后 摄制组不得不摆脱困境

They continue to film from outside the net.


The filming has been a success, but seeing death on this scale has quite an impact on the team.

拍摄成功了 但目睹如此规模的死亡使摄制队受到相当大的震撼
