CGTN头条新闻2022 美国单日新增新冠病例148万创新高(在线收听

Daily COVID-19 cases in the U.S. shatter global record

Xi eyes closer post-pandemic cooperation with Indonesia

Chinese President Xi Jinping says China and Indonesia should advance cooperation in a coordinated manner in the post-pandemic era.

In a phone conversation with Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Xi Jinping suggested that the two sides deepen cooperation through the Belt and Road Initiative.

The two leaders also discussed enhancing cooperation on vaccine development and production, infrastructure, and trade.

Chinese FM holds talks with Bahraini counterpart

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani in the city of Wuxi on Tuesday.

Al Zayani says Bahrain attaches great importance to deepening relations with China and is ready to expand bilateral cooperation in all areas.

Wang Yi says China is willing to be a long-term and reliable strategic partner of Bahrain.

The two sides exchanged views on cooperation between China and the Gulf Cooperation Council, as well as on the Iranian nuclear issue and the situation in the Middle East.

China's Tianjin reports 49 new locally confirmed COVID-19 cases in latest resurgence

The city of Tianjin has seen 97 people test positive for COVID-19 in the latest resurgence.

The cases include 49 confirmed locally transmitted infections and 15 asymptomatic carriers, as well as others who tested positive but are awaiting confirmation.

Tianjin launched citywide mass testing on Sunday.

Carrie Lam announces class suspensions in Hong Kong

Hong Kong will suspend in-person learning at primary schools and kindergartens starting this Friday due to COVID-19.

Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam says that if the virus situation improves, students can return to school in February.

"Today I announce that kindergartens and primary schools will stop face-to-face classes until after the Chinese New Year holiday. So if everything is more under control, primary schools and kindergartens will resume classes after Chinese New Year and then we will go to schools to give students the vaccine."

Hong Kong is trying to limit Omicron outbreaks after infections were reported in students.

The city has tightened COVID-19 restrictions in recent days after discovering Omicron had spread beyond people arriving from overseas.

U.S. reports 1.48m COVID-19 cases in a day, shattering global record

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows the United States reported nearly 1.5 million new COVID-19 cases on Monday, the highest daily total of any country in the world amid the spread of the Omicron variant.

Nearly 5 million new COVID-19 cases were reported across the country from January 2 to 8, a record-high weekly increase since the onset of the pandemic in the country.

Up to 11,000 new deaths were reported this past week.

The recent record-high COVID-19 infections have put additional pressure on the overwhelmed healthcare system, with many hospitals reporting critical staff shortages.

U.S. federal vaccine mandate takes effect on Monday

In the U.S., companies are facing a choice between vaccination, testing and fines. From Monday, firms with more than 100 employees that violate the new vaccine mandate face penalties from the federal government. But some employers are waiting for a critical ruling on this from the Supreme Court.

U.S.-Russia security talks end without diplomatic breakthrough

A new round of security talks between the United States and Russia has concluded in Geneva without yielding any diplomatic breakthrough.

The U.S. delegation was headed by Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, while Russia's was led by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

Ryabkov says he has told his U.S. counterpart that there was no reason to fear an escalation of tensions with Ukraine.

Sherman is set to travel to Brussels for further consultations with European officials.

Denmark announces first-ever women's ice hockey Olympic team

The Danish Sports Confederation has announced the country's first-ever women's ice hockey Olympic team, which will compete at the upcoming Olympic Winter Games in Beijing.

For the first time at the Olympics, the women's ice hockey competition features 10 teams.

Denmark is grouped with Japan, the Czech Republic, Sweden and China, with three qualification spots up for grabs.

Denmark is competing in the Winter Olympics with its largest delegation ever.
