环球慢速英语 阳光净化水(2)(在线收听

Voice 1: Experts at the United Nations believe that all people should have clean drinking water. It says that education about water and health is important. It could reduce the amount of diseases that people get from bad water. March the 22nd 2005 was an important day. The United nations launched its 'New Decade for Action — Water for Life' programme. During the next ten years the UN wants to teach the the world about the value of clean water. UN experts want to encourage new projects and ideas. They want to make clean water a reality for everyone in the world. One important project is taking place in Ndolela village in Tanzania. It is important because it could be repeated in many other places. Such projects could be the way forward for people needing to clean water for little cost.

声音1:联合国专家认为,所有人都应该获得清洁的饮用水。联合国表示,水资源和健康的相关教育非常重要。这有助于减少因不洁净水源而感染的疾病。2005年3月22晶晶是非常重要的一天。联合国在这一天启动了“生命之水国际行动十年”计划。联合国希望在未来的10年教导全世界清洁水源的价值。联合国专家想鼓励新项目和新想法 。他们想让全世界所有人都能享用到清洁水源。其中一项重要的项目在坦桑尼亚Ndolela村进行。这个项目非常重要,原因是它可能会在其他地方继续开展。这类项目可能会成为希望以低成本获得清洁水源的人们的前进道路。

Voice 2: Aid group 'Plan International' started the project. Plan International helps communities across the world. The group wants to create a better, healthier living environment for everyone. They do this using local skills and labour. Clean drinking water is extremely important for healthy living. But many poor communities do not have the money to pay for costly clean water systems. However the project in Ndolela village does not cost a lot of money. It uses the sun to clean the water!

