环球慢速英语 听众来信(6)(在线收听

Voice 1: Jozef writes our next letter. He is from Slovakia. Jozef writes:


Voice 3: "I have been visiting your website and listening to ... Spotlight for about five months. They are very good. I wanted to do better in English. I hope this is the right way to improve my skills. I have a problem with writing and speaking. But I am good at understanding. I gave your [website] address to one girl. And after some weeks she told me she [listens] to you very often!"


Voice 2: Jozef, we are so pleased to hear that! As you know, Spotlight does not teach English. But many people do find that Spotlight is helpful for learning English. If you would like more resources for learning English you can visit our website. Go towww.Radio.English.net. Then, click on the 'links' page. There you will find links to more websites that may be helpful to you!

声音2: 乔泽夫,听到你这么说我们非常高兴!如你所知,重点报道节目并不教英语。不过,有许多人发现重点报道节目对学习英语很有帮助。如果你想获得更多英语学习资料,你可以访问我们的网站,www.Radio.English.net。打开网站后,点击链接。你会发现很多对你有用的网站链接。

Voice 1: And thank you for sharing our website with your friend! It can be fun to discuss programs with other people. It can also be great speaking, listening, and understanding practice!

