早安英文 第652期:睡觉过程中的小劣习(在线收听


sleeping habits 睡眠习惯

make one's bed 铺床

In America making your bed is considered a grown-up thing to do, but I never do it because if feel like its a waste of time.

在美国,(每天早上起来) 铺床被看成是一个非常成熟成年人的行为,但是我从来都不铺,因为我觉得浪费时间,没有必要。

insomnia 失眠

When I was little, I used to suffer from a severe case of insomnia and had a really hard time falling asleep at night.


snore 打呼

I used to snore a lot.


blanket hog 睡觉抢被子的人

I imagine your problem when sleeping is that you are a blanket hog. You seem to have that type of me-first personality.


nightmare 噩梦

sleepwalker 梦游者

I am actually a sleepwalker!


sleeptalker 睡觉说梦话的人

My best friend is actually a SLEEP TALKER and you can actually have entire conversations with him while he sleeps.


grind one's teeth 磨牙(也可以表示生气时的咬牙切齿)

My brother has a really bad problem grinding his teeth.


stiff neck 字面意思为僵硬的脖子,可以用来表示英文当中的落枕

Sometimes when I sleep on my couch, I get a stiff neck.

