VOA新闻杂志2022 比特币是否能变成一种储备货币?(在线收听

There is a growing movement to make bitcoin a reserve digital currency. One cryptocurrency platform is hoping to own $10 billion worth of bitcoin to back its own "stablecoin." Stablecoins are a growing group of cryptocurrencies that aim to lessen price changes and are usually backed by U.S. dollar reserves.


The platform is called Terraform Labs. It is based in Seoul, South Korea. So far, it has built up nearly 40,000 bitcoin worth $1.7 billion in a series of purchases through a non-profit called Luna Foundation Guard.

这家平台名为 Terraform Labs。它总部位于韩国首尔。到目前为止,它已经通过一家名为Luna Foundation Guard的非营利机构通过一系列购买积累了近4万个比特币,价值17亿美元。

Do Kwon is Terraform's co-founder. Last month, he announced on Twitter that the company would buy $10 billion worth of bitcoin reserves to back TerraUSD.

Do Kwon是Terraform 的联合创始人。上个月他在推特上宣布,该公司将购入价值100亿美元的比特币储备作为TerraUSD的背书。

These purchases -- and the possibility of more to come -- are helping raise the price of bitcoin, now worth $48,000. It is unclear, however, if others will follow Terraform's lead.


"Buying $10 billion worth can move the price in the short term," said Sid Powell, CEO of Sydney-based crypto lender Maple Finance. "But over the longer period, it's more what it signals - that bitcoin has been introduced as the hottest form of collateral backing for currencies."

总部位于悉尼的加密贷款机构 Maple Finance 首席执行官 Sid Powell 表示:“购买价值100亿美元的比特币在短期内可以改变价格。但是从长远看它更多的是一种信号,即比特币已被引入作为最热门的抵押品形式为货币背书。”

Yet other market experts said that a closer relationship between bitcoin and stablecoins like TerraUSD could introduce a new risk for crypto markets.


"There is a danger some people are trying to position long ahead of the buying which could exaggerate a fall if the price starts to" decrease, said Richard Usher. He is with the crypto company BCB Group in London.

Richard Usher表示:“有些人可能会试图在买盘前做多头头寸,如果价格开始下跌,可能会放大跌幅。”他就职于伦敦加密货币公司 BCB Group。

Stablecoins are quickly gaining popularity. They are a common form of exchange. They are often used by traders seeking to move funds around and predict the value of other cryptocurrencies.


For example, it is much easier to spend tether -- the biggest stablecoin -- for bitcoin or other crypto, than it is to spend U.S. dollars for bitcoin.


TerraUSD is now the fourth-largest stablecoin. Like other stablecoins, it is attached to the dollar.


The bitcoin reserves add another level of security, while keeping the Terra project decentralized.


Matthew Sigel is a market researcher. He said he expected other stablecoins to follow Terra's lead and back up their coins with reserves of bitcoin. They could even back it with other cryptocurrencies, if the experiment succeeds.

Matthew Sigel 是一名市场研究员。他说,他希望其它稳定币能够效仿Terra,用比特币储备来背书他们的代币。如果试验成功,他们甚至可以用其它加密货币来背书。
