
The debate over the ethics of mining the earth’s last untouched frontier is growing in both intensity and consequence.


It pits biologist against geologist, conservationist against environmentalist, and manufacturer against supplier in a world grappling with a paradox—one that will define our path to a future free of fossil fuels:


sustainable energy that will run cleaner but also require metals and resources whose extraction will both contribute to global warming and impact biodiversity.


So as nations commit to lower greenhouse-gas emissions, the conflict is no longer between fossil-fuel firms and clean-energy proponents, but rather over what ecosystems we are willing to sacrifice in the process.


History is littered with stories of well-intended environmental interventions that have gone catastrophically wrong;


for example, South American cane toads introduced into Australia in the 1930s first failed to control beetles attacking sugarcane, then spread unchecked across the continent, poisoning wildlife and pets.


Nevertheless, a radical embrace of electric vehicles will be necessary to limit global warming to less than 1.5°C above preindustrial levels, the goal of the Paris Agreement.


But according to a May 2021 report by the International Energy Agency (IEA)—the Paris-based intergovernmental organization that helps shape global energy policies—the world isn’t mining enough of the minerals needed to make the batteries that will power that clean-energy future.

但根据国际能源署(IEA) 2021年5月的一份报告,世界没有开采足够的矿物质来生产为清洁能源未来提供动力的电池。IEA总部位于巴黎,是帮助制定全球能源政策的政府间组织。

Demand for the metals in electric vehicles alone could grow by more than 30 times from 2020 to 2040, say the report’s authors.


“If supply chains can’t meet skyrocketing demand, mineral shortages could mean clean-energy shortages,” the report argues.


Fears of such shortages have countries and companies racing to secure the supplies needed for the coming energy transition.


By most assessments, existing mines on land could supply the needed minerals.


But after decades of exploitation, the quality of the ore is going down while the energy required to quarry and refine it is going up.


Meanwhile, the efforts to extract cobalt, which is mined almost exclusively in the Democratic Republic of Congo, are dogged by persistent accounts of human-rights and environmental abuses.


According to deep-ocean-mining proponents, the seabed nodules could provide most of the minerals the world needs, with minimal impact.

